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Health Benefits For Women Who Stop Smoking

Stop smoking health benefits are usually similar for both men and women. There are some specific stop smoking health benefits which are aimed at men or women. Overall, stop smoking health benefits for both men and women are the reduced risks of cancer, heart disease, stroke and other conditions related to smoking. For both men and women, stop smoking health benefits also include an immediate decrease in the presence of carbon monoxide in the blood. This gas can affect the health of the smoker in so many ways that are potentially fatal since it robs the blood of its function to deliver oxygen to vital organs and other parts of the body. Benefits after quitting smoking will appear in as little as a few hours and can be seen as far as fifteen years in the future.

Women’s Benefits

The earlier women stop smoking, the earlier the benefits will come. Stop smoking health benefits for women are usually focused on reproductive health. Women who smoke after their thirties are prone to having earlier menopause compared to those who do not smoke at all. Other stop smoking health benefits for women include a decrease in painful periods, for appropriate ages. Quitting smoking before the age of thirty can also help women reduce the risk of having brittle bones in the future. Women who smoke after the age of thirty are more likely to have lower bone density than those who do not or those who have quit earlier. This means that smokers in their thirties will be prone to brittle bones in their later years and prone to fractures and bone injuries and damage.

Stop smoking health benefits for women can also include the reduced risk of having a low birth weight baby and giving birth too soon before the due date. Pregnant women who smoke or women who have just given birth and are smoking also run the risk of their child succumbing to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The reduced or removed risk of infertility is another stop smoking health benefit which a woman can enjoy especially if she wishes to have children in the future. Stop smoking health benefits which can affect a woman’s family are reduced or no exposure to second hand smoke which can be dangerous, especially for children.

There are so many different stop smoking health benefits for women and also for men that can actually alter a person’s life. Stop smoking health benefits are for the good of a person and their loved ones. Both the smoker and his or her friends and family are at the risk of diseases and conditions which can be fatal.

Related Help: Quit Smoking Now


Natural Ways To Quit Smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is a terrible habit and can pose serious health risks.

In an article on The Ellsworth Amercian, it states that:

There is conclusive evidence that smoking accounts for at least 30% of all cancer deaths of the lung, larynx (voice box), mouth, throat, bladder, esophagus, pancreas, cervix, kidney, stomach, and some leukemias. Smoking is also a major cause of heart disease, aneurysms, bronchitis, emphysema, and stroke, and it makes pneumonia and asthma worse. If you smoke long enough you are almost guaranteed to develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a progressive illness that permanently damages the lungs. COPD alone has accounted for over one million working-age people to become too sick to work and costs billions of dollars a year in medical bills and lost productivity. And if you are a man, there is yet another good reason to quit. In a recent study of 8,000+ men, researchers reported that smoking increased the likelihood of impotence by 27 percent and concluded it was “significantly associated with erectile dysfunction.” They also discovered that the more a man smoked, the more likely it was that he would suffer from erectile dysfunction.

The good news is there are many natural ways to quit smoking. Here are some of the natural methods that may help:

  • Going "cold turkey” where you just stop smoking abruptly while relying on just your willpower and self-determination.

  • Change your routine to avoid the times you usually light up. This might be when you’re waiting for the bus, out with friends, or relaxing after work. By finding other things to do at these times like keeping a straw or other cigarette substitute handy to keep your hands and mouth busy, you’ll make it easier to resist the urge to smoke.

  • Drink lots of water to help your body flush itself out quickly. Water effectively helps in flushing out of the toxins, which include nicotine from our body. The more the water consumption, the more is the elimination of toxins.

  • When cravings hit, close your eyes and count down from 10 to 0, very slowly. Breathe deeply with each count.

  • Call a friend when you feel like reaching for a smoke. Divert your attention.

  • Take a quick walk, even if it is just to the bathroom or mailbox. Alternatively, taking brisk walks at lunch time or walking up some stairs every time you want to have a cigarette will also help.

  • Regular exercise can beat the stress and help smokers reduce the urges to smoke. Research has shown that most smokers don’t crave cigarettes after exercise, and is a real winner for smokers struggling to quit.

  • If you have already made a determination to kick the butt, self hypnosis can help you reinforce this motivation and maintain your smoke-free lifestyle.

Hypnotherapist Marisa Peer who has worked in London and America for 20 years and has many celebrity clients offers her top tips for quitting with self hypnosis...

  1. The first and most important thing to do is stop associating smoking with pleasure. Instead, focus on something like formaldehyde or paint-stripper, and try to imagine this is what you are inhaling every time you smoke. If you see it as something that will cause you pain, rather than pleasure, you will be able to stop yourself picking up a cigarette.

  2. Next, focus hard on all the positive points about quitting. Think about how much healthier you’ll be, how much glossier your hair and nails will look. This will help you see giving up as something that will give you pleasure, and make it much easier to do.

  3. Repeat the above points to yourself to make sure you really learn them. Say them out loud every day, and put reminder notes in places you can see them. Think about making yourself a CD that repeats the positive points about quitting. The more you drum them into your mind, the less likely you are to fall off the wagon.

  4. When you quit smoking there is still a lot of nicotine in your system, which makes you crave it. Having a session in a steam room or sauna, and drinking lots of water and orange juice will help cleanse your system quickly, making cravings easier to bear.

  5. Although you may want to, try not to eat too much. While it may keep you occupied for a while, overdoing your food will get you into an “I don’t care” mentality that could soon have you reaching for the cigarettes. The weight you will gain from too much snacking is also likely to tempt you back into smoking, as many people see cigarettes as a tool for keeping the weight off.

This hypnosis download can help you quit smoking naturally - and stay stopped.

Persuasive Public Speaking

by Michael Lee

Want to enhance your persuasive public speaking skills? Perhaps you have already spoken before an audience, have given a great speech, have influenced them considerably to your point and have received a standing ovation a few times. Now you wish to improve that foundation you have in persuasive public speaking.

Here are three ways that can help you to become a more influential speaker.

One, body language. Majority of human communication is done nonverbally, and people commonly respond and understand it very well, having said that we primarily did not have formal education on nonverbal language. In order to effectively connect with your audience, mean what you're saying through nonverbal cues.

These include eye contact, hand gestures, pacing and the like to stress your words and statements. For instance, if you're trying to imply a very important point, you may point a finger up. If you're telling a story, pace a short distance citing you're bringing them to a certain point. You would be surprised what difference as an audience it would make if the speaker simply went through his speech purely verbal.

Two, study. Influence is your main concern when speaking before an audience so you have to know what you're talking about. You have to persuade them into considering the point that you're trying to make by citing facts, accepted truths and sources to show that your speech is actually based on something relevant.

Realize that there is no debate or an exchange between you and them so you have to be very mindful of every single aspect of your speech or they may find you stereotypical; or worse, they may see you contradicting your own statements. Do some research and be open about new ideas and opinions before speaking; this will further guide you how to be a more persuasive speaker.

Three, connection. Treat your audience, no matter how great or small in number, as your utmost concern. They are the reason you are speaking, so feel for them as if your message and efforts will be in vain if you cannot convince them to your point of view.

You have to create a link between you and your audience to successfully deliver your speech. This connection can be made through personal anecdotes, humor or even asking an audience to speak a little.

The goal is to be able to create feelings between you and your audience where they will know that it matters to you that they listen. This will be the basis for a smooth flow for the duration of the speech and probably the key to persuasion.

In a persuasive speech, you as the public speaker should know how to persuade and convince. The audience should be driven to a point of influence that your message will successfully be delivered and received. Repetition of ideas, facts and opinions will bring them to your point and positively boost your persuasive public speaking skills.

About the Author:

Michael Lee is the author of the highly-acclaimed How To Be An Expert Persuader... In 20 Days or Less. This power-packed course reveals mind-altering persuasion secrets to turbocharge your earnings, win lots of friends, captivate the opposite sex, and make anyone subconsciously like and trust you.

If you want to easily and quickly persuade anyone to eagerly do anything you want, go to

6 Steps To Help You Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

The fear of public speaking is not an uncommon one. It is the one social anxiety that most of us carry, and too few of use work to conquer. What if I told you that ridding yourself of that fear isn't as hard as you may think? The reality is that, at this very moment, you are only six steps away from conquering your own fear.

In this article I will give you those steps, thus allowing you to vanquish the problem for good! At the very least these tips will help you to reduce your anxiety and make that next public presentation something you can manage without falling over from fear.

The Truth about Public Speaking

The first step in overcoming your fear of public speaking is simply to understand the fear itself. It is a common problem, and for most people, the most common way to overcome this particular fear is simply to avoid public speaking altogether. Fear of public speaking usually stems from the idea that something bad will happen when we do it.

Here is the simple truth - nothing bad is going to happen! You aren't going to fall over dead from fear. There is not chance that your audience will die of boredom. And, in reality, any other issue you can come up with likely won't happen. Unless you're choosing to speak on controversial topics, there is isn't even much chance that you'll manage to evoke a huge emotional response from your audience.

Realizing that one fact is your first step in overcoming your fears; the next step is facing them.

6 Steps to Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

Now that you know the truth about public speaking it's time for the steps to conquer your own social anxiety. Really, these are 6 suggestions that can be used alone, or as a group, to work to beat the fear that cripples you.

  1. Focus on the Speech Itself

    What is it that you think that crowd came to see? You? Unless you're a high-profile figure they didn't come to see you specifically. They came to hear your speech. In other words, it isn't you that is being scrutinized. Focus on what they came to hear, and stop worrying about what they may think of you personally.

  2. Don't Over-prepare

    A common way to work towards failure is to over prepare. Many (new) public speakers will spend so much time preparing that they literally work themselves into a fear-frenzy before they even get up on stage. Write your speech, make your points, read it once or twice and then quit thinking about it!

  3. A Little Humor Goes a Long Way

    One simple way to put your audience, and in turn yourself, at ease is simply to use a little humor. In the face of an audience that is chuckling at your joke, you'll find it difficult to worry about what else they might be thinking.

  4. Engage Your Audience

    One common fear for the speaker is that they will bore their audience. A simple way to overcome this is simply to engage them right off the start. Open your speech with a question, and encourage them to shout out their answers. If no one answers right away, gently make fun of them to chide them into the discussion.

  5. Visualize and Affirm

    One simple way to overcome your fear beforehand is with simple visualizations and affirmations. Picture yourself giving that successful speech, affirm that picture with thought like "I will make a good speech" or "I will succeed". If you repeat this enough times, when the day does come you'll find it much harder to fail.

  6. Self Hypnosis

    Another great technique for overcoming fear of public speaking is self hypnosis. This technique can be used both to work to rid yourself of your speech anxieties, and also as a relaxation technique before your presentation.

Conquer your fear of speaking in front of a crowd of people with public speaking hypnosis and become a more confident and effective public speaker Today!

The world needs great communicators. Be fearless!

You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere." - Lee Iacocca

For more information on how self hypnosis can help you change your life, visit

Weight Loss With Self Hypnosis

Is it possible to lose weight effectively with the help of self hypnosis?

Let's start with a simple question - why do most weight loss programs fail? There are many people who have tried different diets, joined multiple workouts and yet have not been successful in losing their belly fat, even though they claim to eat less, follow fitness plans and do everything else associated with a good weight loss program. The weight just keeps coming back.

The truth about most diets, weight loss pills and workouts - you may be shocked - is that many of them does not provide for the overweight person what he or she really needs: to establish a different relationship with the food they are eating.

What that means is diets and exercise on its own will not make you thin, not as long as you keep eating pizzas, super-size burgers or binged on high calorie foods several times a week.

We know that eating is pleasurable and sometimes psychological . We know we should choose salad over burgers and yet our own subconscious mind undermines our efforts to be thin at every turn.

As a result, many of us who tried losing weight, continue to overeat and snack unnecessary and we wind up eating more than we need to, and we gain weight.

The solution to losing weight effectively? Rewire our subconscious mind with self hypnosis to change our unhealthy eating habits and lose those fats permanently.
"Hypnosis can actually help you lose weight."
- Harvard Medical School psychotherapist Jean Fain, Oprah Magazine

How Can Self Hypnosis Help In Losing Weight?

The tried and tested formula for losing weight effectively, successfully and permanently is all about developing healthy habits. And self hypnosis can help transforms those unhealthy eating habits by reinforcing our will power, inculcate a sense of discipline and strengthen our determination to make the right food choices and keep our cravings for fatty or high calorie foods at bay.

In fact, many celebrities use self hypnosis themselves and that is what helps them maintain those sexy body shapes even though they are virtually inundated with gourmet foods at every social event they attend. Most of them are self hypnotizing themselves to enable them to stay away from unhealthy foods, however much scrumptious they might look.

The power and benefits of self hypnosis has already been proven in several areas of human personality development, such as helping people overcome their anxiety disorders, helping people cope with addictions and quit smoking. Self hypnosis can also certainly help you to lose weight effectively and melt away the pounds - seemingly without effort.

Change your relationship with food today. Lose weight easily, naturally and permanently with weight loss hypnosis.