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What is Stress Management Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is being looked upon as a multipurpose therapy nowadays. Methods like stress management hypnosis, addiction management hypnosis, behavior modification hypnosis, etc. do not even begin to scratch the surface of the vast uses that hypnosis has today. In stress management hypnosis in particular, hypnosis is used as a suggestion tool to help the subconscious mind of the person realize that their stressful behavior is irrational.
How does Stress Management Hypnosis work?
There are three particular ways in which stress management hypnosis works.
First, it suggests the mind that the stress is unjustified and that the body needs to come out of it. It can greatly relax the body and reduce the tension present in it. This can act very effectively in providing the person with relief from the stressful situation.
Second, it prevents the person from reacting in a negative manner to the stressful condition. Some people tend to smoke or consume alcohol when they are distressed and some people might go on an eating binge. All these are unhealthy responses which can bring more problems in the long run. Hypnosis therapy can help keep such responses away.
Third, it can help improve the overall quality of the person's life and create a positive outlook in them. This helps in long term treatment of the stress problem. When people are suggested to keep a positive mindset, they will automatically come out of their habit of being unduly stressed in certain situations.
What are the Benefits of Stress Management Hypnosis?
In this manner, hypnosis for stress management does not merely act for a particular situation or for a particular episode, but has a vast range of benefits. The fact that hypnosis is a multipurpose therapy works to great effect here. It can help the person deal with various related problems and thus bring an overall enrichment in their life. This is one of the reasons why stress management hypnosis has become so popular in today's times.
These hypnosis downloads will help you manage stress more elegantly and effectively, and protect you from its unpleasant effects.
Hypnosis is a Natural Medication for Stress and Anxiety
With the growing concerns of the economy, and more people being laid off, more people are feeling stress and anxiety in their lives. While it might be easy to take anti-anxiety medications, sleeping pills, or antidepressants to help deal, there is also a pill-free way to cope - and it won’t lead to addiction. We’re talking about clinical hypnosis.
Clinical hypnosis has been shown to significantly lower stress and anxiety in as few as 1-4 sessions-even in people who suffer from traumatic stress. So, what is it and how does it help with stress and anxiety?
The American Medical Association approves hypnosis when used by a professional. Clinical hypnosis is either conducted live or can be found in prerecorded sessions on CD. (The best CDs are those recorded by experts in their field who use hypnosis, not by one person who uses hypnosis and records dozens of CDs.) Whether you visit a therapist or use a CD, either way, you’ll be asked to get comfortable, close your eyes, and simply focusing on the suggestions that follow. These directives promote positive change through visualizations, metaphors, and direct and indirect suggestions.
No one knows the exactly how hypnosis works so effectively, just that it often does. Nevertheless, we do know that when recipients are relaxed and focused during a hypnotic trance, their self-protective walls come down. In other words, their usual conscious resistance to change is lowered and they become more accepting and embracing of suggestions to change and improve. The changes that follow these suggestions are often quick and powerful.
From what we know, here are some specific reasons why hypnosis is powerful and effective for reducing stress and anxiety:
1) The Experience of Hypnosis Naturally Generates a Distinct State of Calm and Relaxation:
The experience of hypnosis often comes in a form of strong relaxation that naturally allows a person to move away from stresses and worries. This state is referred to as a “trance,” or “dissociation.”
All of these hypnotic reactions combine to help the subject “dissociate,” or disconnect from being oriented to their current physical, emotional, and psychological states and surroundings. This dissociation naturally distances subjects away from usual stresses and anxieties, serving as a welcome escape and diversion at the time. At best, dissociation acts to train subjects to let go of and move on from usual pressures and worries after the hypnosis.
2) Direct and Indirect Suggestions Bypass Resistance and Promote Calm, Peace, and Ease:
Modern hypnosis, often referred to as “Ericksonian hypnosis” after the hypnosis pioneer “Milton Erickson,” consists of different types of suggestions to bypass conscious resistance and be more likely to be accepted. In the relaxed, focused state of hypnotic trance, a person is more receptive to accept suggestions to change. Mixing up direct suggestions (i.e., "you will now relax...") versus indirect and more permissive suggestions (i.e., "you may choose to relax... or not... but if you do...") in a relaxed state promotes strong, natural calming and easing. A person in such a state has their usual conscious resistances and defensive walls lowered. Indirect/permissive suggestions to change tend to bypass resistance that much more because they are harder to resist or be threatened by.
Suggestions to ease stress and anxiety are generally a part of most hypnosis sessions, whatever their main focus may be: weight loss, smoking cessation, phobias, etc. However, when the primary focus of a hypnosis session is primarily for the easing of stress and anxiety, it is a natural fit. The entire session becomes interlaced with calming, easing suggestions and often results in a strong, powerful experience of peace and bliss. After such sessions, clients often say things like, "Can I just sit here and relax for a while longer...", or "Wow-where am I..."? Hypnosis sessions entirely focused on suggestions to ease stress and anxiety are a natural fit, making it perhaps the easiest if not most effective use of hypnosis in general.
3) Visualizations and Imagery Take You Away from Your Cares and Concerns:
Many hypnosis sessions include different suggestions to visualize and image different relaxing scenes in the mind. There are many possible purposes for such scenes, including simply deepening the trance state, elevating dissociation from the outside world, or simply increasing relaxation in general by helping the subject to "get away" or "escape" from their usual thoughts, cares, and concerns. This visualization is especially powerful when utilizing imagery a subject is familiar with and can easily imagine in a personal manner with all of the senses-sights, sounds, smells, taste, and touch.
When a person is stressed and under pressure, visualizing a powerful imagery experience shifts the focus, relaxes the body, and eases tension. Furthermore, when a person is anxious and worried, escaping to a relaxing scene is powerful, reassuring, and can serve as a reality check that the concern may be overblown. This shift takes the subject from an anxious "what if" position to a relaxing "what is something more enjoyable I can think about?" Since most anxiety overestimates risk and underestimates one’s resources to battle a threat, a reassuring visual escape may work to even out the discrepancy.
4) Memories and Age Progression Helps You Rewrite the Story of Your Life for a Calmer, More Reassuring Reality:
When relaxed and focused, bringing back memories or imagining the future becomes easier to do in a powerful, effective manner. Outside distractions, focuses, and interruptions are lowered in such a state, making such mental exercises easier to execute. Current research supports what psychotherapists have known for many years: that rewriting the “reality” of one’s past or future projections in a more positivistic, useful manner can effectively calm, reassure, and ease cares and concerns.
For purposes of easing stress, hypnosis can help change the meaning of these memories or future projections by changing the meaning these difficulties actually pose. For example, a hypnotic memory of a highly relaxing scene is often remembered as even more relaxing that when the memory actually happened for the subject, such as a beach trip. Furthermore, visualizing a more positive version of a future possibility during hypnosis can ease the anxiety of assuming the worst. Instead of assuming a negative "what if" (i.e., failing at a business venture), a scene of "what’s possible" in a positive way (i.e., succeeding at the venture) both eases current anxiety and increases the probability of the positive result actually occurring. This is known as a “positive self-fulfilling prophesy."
5) Post-Hypnotic Suggestions Help You Relax and Ease Worries Afterward:
Throughout hypnosis and especially at the end, it is common for hypnosis sessions to include a number of "post-hypnotic suggestions." Post-hypnotic suggestions, as their name infers, serve to promote positive changes in thinking, feeling, and/or behaviors after the hypnosis session in an oftentimes powerful, effective manner.
Post hypnotic suggestions during hypnosis are usually accepted in a receptive manner when done in a clear, connective manner. A stress relief suggestion may state something like, "Later, when you encounter economic challenges, you’ll be able to calm and relax yourself, just like you’ve done throughout this exercise, and you can know this is a skill and ability you possess to use as needed." An example for anxiety relief would be, "Later, when you are thinking of the financial possibilities for your future, you will see and generate the best you that you are capable of and more." After the hypnosis, the subject may or may not recall these suggestions, but they will often notice the changes in perception, sensation, and behavior over time. Although hypnosis is not "magic", the results of post-hypnotic suggestions may often seem like it.
For those who would like to lessen their stress and anxiety, hypnosis is a viable natural option combining effectiveness, efficiency, and convenience. Simply relax, focus, and enjoy your way towards a more peaceful, relaxing lifestyle.
Learn more:
Guest article contributed by Randy A. Gilchrist, Psy.D.
Clinical hypnosis has been shown to significantly lower stress and anxiety in as few as 1-4 sessions-even in people who suffer from traumatic stress. So, what is it and how does it help with stress and anxiety?
The American Medical Association approves hypnosis when used by a professional. Clinical hypnosis is either conducted live or can be found in prerecorded sessions on CD. (The best CDs are those recorded by experts in their field who use hypnosis, not by one person who uses hypnosis and records dozens of CDs.) Whether you visit a therapist or use a CD, either way, you’ll be asked to get comfortable, close your eyes, and simply focusing on the suggestions that follow. These directives promote positive change through visualizations, metaphors, and direct and indirect suggestions.
No one knows the exactly how hypnosis works so effectively, just that it often does. Nevertheless, we do know that when recipients are relaxed and focused during a hypnotic trance, their self-protective walls come down. In other words, their usual conscious resistance to change is lowered and they become more accepting and embracing of suggestions to change and improve. The changes that follow these suggestions are often quick and powerful.
From what we know, here are some specific reasons why hypnosis is powerful and effective for reducing stress and anxiety:
1) The Experience of Hypnosis Naturally Generates a Distinct State of Calm and Relaxation:
The experience of hypnosis often comes in a form of strong relaxation that naturally allows a person to move away from stresses and worries. This state is referred to as a “trance,” or “dissociation.”
All of these hypnotic reactions combine to help the subject “dissociate,” or disconnect from being oriented to their current physical, emotional, and psychological states and surroundings. This dissociation naturally distances subjects away from usual stresses and anxieties, serving as a welcome escape and diversion at the time. At best, dissociation acts to train subjects to let go of and move on from usual pressures and worries after the hypnosis.
2) Direct and Indirect Suggestions Bypass Resistance and Promote Calm, Peace, and Ease:
Modern hypnosis, often referred to as “Ericksonian hypnosis” after the hypnosis pioneer “Milton Erickson,” consists of different types of suggestions to bypass conscious resistance and be more likely to be accepted. In the relaxed, focused state of hypnotic trance, a person is more receptive to accept suggestions to change. Mixing up direct suggestions (i.e., "you will now relax...") versus indirect and more permissive suggestions (i.e., "you may choose to relax... or not... but if you do...") in a relaxed state promotes strong, natural calming and easing. A person in such a state has their usual conscious resistances and defensive walls lowered. Indirect/permissive suggestions to change tend to bypass resistance that much more because they are harder to resist or be threatened by.
Suggestions to ease stress and anxiety are generally a part of most hypnosis sessions, whatever their main focus may be: weight loss, smoking cessation, phobias, etc. However, when the primary focus of a hypnosis session is primarily for the easing of stress and anxiety, it is a natural fit. The entire session becomes interlaced with calming, easing suggestions and often results in a strong, powerful experience of peace and bliss. After such sessions, clients often say things like, "Can I just sit here and relax for a while longer...", or "Wow-where am I..."? Hypnosis sessions entirely focused on suggestions to ease stress and anxiety are a natural fit, making it perhaps the easiest if not most effective use of hypnosis in general.
3) Visualizations and Imagery Take You Away from Your Cares and Concerns:
Many hypnosis sessions include different suggestions to visualize and image different relaxing scenes in the mind. There are many possible purposes for such scenes, including simply deepening the trance state, elevating dissociation from the outside world, or simply increasing relaxation in general by helping the subject to "get away" or "escape" from their usual thoughts, cares, and concerns. This visualization is especially powerful when utilizing imagery a subject is familiar with and can easily imagine in a personal manner with all of the senses-sights, sounds, smells, taste, and touch.
When a person is stressed and under pressure, visualizing a powerful imagery experience shifts the focus, relaxes the body, and eases tension. Furthermore, when a person is anxious and worried, escaping to a relaxing scene is powerful, reassuring, and can serve as a reality check that the concern may be overblown. This shift takes the subject from an anxious "what if" position to a relaxing "what is something more enjoyable I can think about?" Since most anxiety overestimates risk and underestimates one’s resources to battle a threat, a reassuring visual escape may work to even out the discrepancy.
4) Memories and Age Progression Helps You Rewrite the Story of Your Life for a Calmer, More Reassuring Reality:
When relaxed and focused, bringing back memories or imagining the future becomes easier to do in a powerful, effective manner. Outside distractions, focuses, and interruptions are lowered in such a state, making such mental exercises easier to execute. Current research supports what psychotherapists have known for many years: that rewriting the “reality” of one’s past or future projections in a more positivistic, useful manner can effectively calm, reassure, and ease cares and concerns.
For purposes of easing stress, hypnosis can help change the meaning of these memories or future projections by changing the meaning these difficulties actually pose. For example, a hypnotic memory of a highly relaxing scene is often remembered as even more relaxing that when the memory actually happened for the subject, such as a beach trip. Furthermore, visualizing a more positive version of a future possibility during hypnosis can ease the anxiety of assuming the worst. Instead of assuming a negative "what if" (i.e., failing at a business venture), a scene of "what’s possible" in a positive way (i.e., succeeding at the venture) both eases current anxiety and increases the probability of the positive result actually occurring. This is known as a “positive self-fulfilling prophesy."
5) Post-Hypnotic Suggestions Help You Relax and Ease Worries Afterward:
Throughout hypnosis and especially at the end, it is common for hypnosis sessions to include a number of "post-hypnotic suggestions." Post-hypnotic suggestions, as their name infers, serve to promote positive changes in thinking, feeling, and/or behaviors after the hypnosis session in an oftentimes powerful, effective manner.
Post hypnotic suggestions during hypnosis are usually accepted in a receptive manner when done in a clear, connective manner. A stress relief suggestion may state something like, "Later, when you encounter economic challenges, you’ll be able to calm and relax yourself, just like you’ve done throughout this exercise, and you can know this is a skill and ability you possess to use as needed." An example for anxiety relief would be, "Later, when you are thinking of the financial possibilities for your future, you will see and generate the best you that you are capable of and more." After the hypnosis, the subject may or may not recall these suggestions, but they will often notice the changes in perception, sensation, and behavior over time. Although hypnosis is not "magic", the results of post-hypnotic suggestions may often seem like it.
For those who would like to lessen their stress and anxiety, hypnosis is a viable natural option combining effectiveness, efficiency, and convenience. Simply relax, focus, and enjoy your way towards a more peaceful, relaxing lifestyle.
Learn more:
Guest article contributed by Randy A. Gilchrist, Psy.D.
Hypnosis - 7 Myths And Misconceptions
There are many myths and misconceptions out there about hypnosis. Hollywood portrays hypnosis in a way that is far different from reality. This feeds into the many misconceptions that are still present today.
The 7 most common hypnosis myths & misconceptions are:
Article by Darren Hiller, a Board Certified Hypnotist & EFT Practitioner with a private practice in Dallas, Texas.
Related Resources:
7 Hypnosis Myths Busted
The 7 most common hypnosis myths & misconceptions are:
- Not Everyone Can Be Hypnotized
We go into hypnosis many times throughout our day, like when we are daydreaming, driving on the highway, or watching a movie. Hypnosis is simply a natural focused state of awareness. So the truth is that everyone can be hypnotized. - You Are Asleep During Hypnosis
Even though the origin of the word hypnosis is derived from the Greek word "hypnos" which means sleep, you are awake and aware during hypnosis. In hypnosis, your conscious mind may drift, but you are not asleep. You typically remember much of what was said in a hypnosis session. - Hypnosis Makes You Lose Control
The opposite is true, you actually gain control. Hypnosis is a focused state of awareness that allows you to control habits and change behaviors. The Hypnotist cannot make you do anything that you do not want to do. - You Can Get Stuck In Hypnosis
We naturally go into hypnosis many times in our life, and we naturally come out of it. You cannot get stuck in hypnosis. - You Will Tell All Your Secrets In Hypnosis
You will not tell any secrets that you would not reveal while you were wide awake. Hypnosis is not a truth serum and you can actually lie under hypnosis. - Hypnosis Is Dangerous
Hypnosis is safe and natural. In fact, in 1958 a report published by an AMA advisory committee on hypnosis stated, "The use of hypnosis has a recognized place in the medical armamentarium that is a useful technique in the treatment of certain illnesses..." . - Hypnosis Is Only For The Weak-Minded
Hypnosis is for anyone who wants to use the natural power of their subconscious mind to make positive changes in their life.
Article by Darren Hiller, a Board Certified Hypnotist & EFT Practitioner with a private practice in Dallas, Texas.
Related Resources:
7 Hypnosis Myths Busted
Feminization Self Hypnosis : Feel And Act Like A Woman
Transform youself to look, talk, walk and feel more feminine naturally with feminization self hypnosis and set the woman inside you free.
If you are a transsexual, transvestite or transgender who wish to learn how to become more feminine, feminization hypnosis can help you to achieve the results that you will not get with surgery.
While transgender and sex change surgeries is a permanent transformation of the physical face and body, and can help to eliminate many of the cross-gender-related physical issues, surgical operations by itself cannot make you feel like a real woman, because inside you are still a man.
However, with the use of feminization self hypnosis, you will be able to alter your emotional, physical and psychological state in such a way that results in you feeling, looking, thinking and behaving more feminine and confident as a woman without undergoing any drastic physical changes.
So, how can you set the woman inside you free and become a real woman using hypnosis? Here are the 3 main steps of feminization hypnosis process:
Overcoming Fears - Psychologically, feminization hypnosis will help you to shake off and overcome any of the fear and guilt that comes with behaving like a woman in the society or in any public social situations.
Feminization of Mind - The way you think strongly influences the way you feel. And to achieve real change, the process of feminization self hypnosis involves providing yourself with suggestions to have feminine thoughts embedded deep into your subconscious mind to help you to feminize your attitude, mind and self image.
Feminization of Body - Using the power of suggestions, feminization of the body will help you will grow more comfortable about your body and feel more feminine physically, emotionally and sexually like a woman - all in a matter of days without any complex training.
So are you prepare for change? Are you ready to connect to the woman in you and behave like a woman easily and naturally?
Then take the NEXT Step...
This Feminization Hypnosis Download Can Help Set The Woman Inside You Free - Naturally - Without Pills, Creams Or Surgery!
If you are a transsexual, transvestite or transgender who wish to learn how to become more feminine, feminization hypnosis can help you to achieve the results that you will not get with surgery.
While transgender and sex change surgeries is a permanent transformation of the physical face and body, and can help to eliminate many of the cross-gender-related physical issues, surgical operations by itself cannot make you feel like a real woman, because inside you are still a man.
However, with the use of feminization self hypnosis, you will be able to alter your emotional, physical and psychological state in such a way that results in you feeling, looking, thinking and behaving more feminine and confident as a woman without undergoing any drastic physical changes.
So, how can you set the woman inside you free and become a real woman using hypnosis? Here are the 3 main steps of feminization hypnosis process:
Overcoming Fears - Psychologically, feminization hypnosis will help you to shake off and overcome any of the fear and guilt that comes with behaving like a woman in the society or in any public social situations.
Feminization of Mind - The way you think strongly influences the way you feel. And to achieve real change, the process of feminization self hypnosis involves providing yourself with suggestions to have feminine thoughts embedded deep into your subconscious mind to help you to feminize your attitude, mind and self image.
Feminization of Body - Using the power of suggestions, feminization of the body will help you will grow more comfortable about your body and feel more feminine physically, emotionally and sexually like a woman - all in a matter of days without any complex training.
So are you prepare for change? Are you ready to connect to the woman in you and behave like a woman easily and naturally?
Then take the NEXT Step...
This Feminization Hypnosis Download Can Help Set The Woman Inside You Free - Naturally - Without Pills, Creams Or Surgery!
Great Hypnosis Downloads For May 2009
For the month of May, here are 5 great newly recorded hypnosis downloads for you:
1) Love your imperfect partner - no matter what their ‘faults’
2) Be more productive - focus on what really matters
3) Personal grooming - send powerful visual signals to others
4) Sales superstar - perform your best, every time
5) Talk with tact - engage brain before your mouth
Also, listen to this no-cost audio session that will show you just how affected people are by tiny subliminal environmental triggers and how these triggers can seed unconscious suggestions. Plus, also discover how you can maximize this knowledge to improve your own life.
1) Love your imperfect partner - no matter what their ‘faults’
2) Be more productive - focus on what really matters
3) Personal grooming - send powerful visual signals to others
4) Sales superstar - perform your best, every time
5) Talk with tact - engage brain before your mouth
Also, listen to this no-cost audio session that will show you just how affected people are by tiny subliminal environmental triggers and how these triggers can seed unconscious suggestions. Plus, also discover how you can maximize this knowledge to improve your own life.
Fun with Hypnosis
Sometimes we can be TOOOOOO serious about ourselves and our work. So this post is about having FUN with hypnosis.
Three Amazing and Fun Things You Can Do With Hypnosis
You don't need any special training to do any of these. You don't need to become a hypnotist, a hypnotherapist, have a license, or anything. The capabilities of the human mind belongs to everyone. So have some fun.
1. The Super Human Strength Test.
I was reminded of this by seeing a recent video on VideoJug. (See it here I first did this experiement almost 30 years ago as a young (ah hem...young) woman. It's cool and it's amazing. Until I trained as a hypnotist, I often wondered through the years just how DID that work! Was it some trick? Was there a hidden lifting device under the chair? Was I hallucinating it all? No, no and no. This is real and the answer to how it works is hypnosis. Watch the instructions carefully. Closing your eyes, following the leader's instructions, and repeating the chant, "light as a feather, strong as an ox," creates a light hypnotic state and your mind accepts the suggestion, and yes, you DO lift more weight, with ease. The REALLY cool thing about this is that it shows you two things--first, what a very light state of hypnosis is capable of doing for you and second, that you really do possess qualities and characteristics that you are blocking or unaware of in your usual conscious state. Now, imagine all the other fun things you could do with such a simple process.
2. Make People's Mouths Water.
Ever had anyone do the lemon test on you? Try this with your friends. Set it up first. Tell them about the power that their minds have over their bodies. Have them, eyes open and consciously, try to create more saliva in their mouths. They won't be able to, for the most part. However, with just simple words, you can cause their mouths to water! Have them close their eyes, and imagine....going to the refrigerator, and opening it. Inside, the light shines on a beautiful, yellow lemon. See the shiny rind of the lemon, and now have them imagine reaching out and picking it up. Feel the weight, feel the cool skin, the texture. Imagine holding it up to your nose, and smelling that light lemon scent coming from the rind. Now imagine picking up a paring knife and cutting into the lemon. Hear the sound of the knife tearing through the rind and feel the juice running down your hand. Cut a nice wedge out of that lemon and now bring it up to your mouth and bite into it, feeling the tart, cool fruit and the juice running into your mouth. Now.....who's salivating?
3. Program Your Dreams.
Dreams are powerful. Research shows that athletes who dream about their performance improve more dramatically than those who do not. Did you know you can program your dreams? Within a half an hour of falling asleep, write down what you want to dream about. Keep your sentences positive and incorporate as many of the five senses as you can. For example, "Tonight I will dream about delivering my class presentation successfully. I will dream about speaking, about seeing the smiling faces of the audience. I will hear their applause and I will feel calm, relaxed and motivated." You can also give yourself the suggestion that you will remember your dreams and understand what they are trying to tell you, whether or not you are programming what to dream about. Pleasant dreams!
Article by Cindy Locher, CHT, a practicing hypnotherapist in Apple Valley, MN. Cindy enjoys working with individuals and groups on improving their lives and health. Visit her on the web at
Three Amazing and Fun Things You Can Do With Hypnosis
You don't need any special training to do any of these. You don't need to become a hypnotist, a hypnotherapist, have a license, or anything. The capabilities of the human mind belongs to everyone. So have some fun.
1. The Super Human Strength Test.
I was reminded of this by seeing a recent video on VideoJug. (See it here I first did this experiement almost 30 years ago as a young (ah hem...young) woman. It's cool and it's amazing. Until I trained as a hypnotist, I often wondered through the years just how DID that work! Was it some trick? Was there a hidden lifting device under the chair? Was I hallucinating it all? No, no and no. This is real and the answer to how it works is hypnosis. Watch the instructions carefully. Closing your eyes, following the leader's instructions, and repeating the chant, "light as a feather, strong as an ox," creates a light hypnotic state and your mind accepts the suggestion, and yes, you DO lift more weight, with ease. The REALLY cool thing about this is that it shows you two things--first, what a very light state of hypnosis is capable of doing for you and second, that you really do possess qualities and characteristics that you are blocking or unaware of in your usual conscious state. Now, imagine all the other fun things you could do with such a simple process.
2. Make People's Mouths Water.
Ever had anyone do the lemon test on you? Try this with your friends. Set it up first. Tell them about the power that their minds have over their bodies. Have them, eyes open and consciously, try to create more saliva in their mouths. They won't be able to, for the most part. However, with just simple words, you can cause their mouths to water! Have them close their eyes, and imagine....going to the refrigerator, and opening it. Inside, the light shines on a beautiful, yellow lemon. See the shiny rind of the lemon, and now have them imagine reaching out and picking it up. Feel the weight, feel the cool skin, the texture. Imagine holding it up to your nose, and smelling that light lemon scent coming from the rind. Now imagine picking up a paring knife and cutting into the lemon. Hear the sound of the knife tearing through the rind and feel the juice running down your hand. Cut a nice wedge out of that lemon and now bring it up to your mouth and bite into it, feeling the tart, cool fruit and the juice running into your mouth. Now.....who's salivating?
3. Program Your Dreams.
Dreams are powerful. Research shows that athletes who dream about their performance improve more dramatically than those who do not. Did you know you can program your dreams? Within a half an hour of falling asleep, write down what you want to dream about. Keep your sentences positive and incorporate as many of the five senses as you can. For example, "Tonight I will dream about delivering my class presentation successfully. I will dream about speaking, about seeing the smiling faces of the audience. I will hear their applause and I will feel calm, relaxed and motivated." You can also give yourself the suggestion that you will remember your dreams and understand what they are trying to tell you, whether or not you are programming what to dream about. Pleasant dreams!
Article by Cindy Locher, CHT, a practicing hypnotherapist in Apple Valley, MN. Cindy enjoys working with individuals and groups on improving their lives and health. Visit her on the web at
Hypnosis Recordings vs. the Real Thing
By Barrie St John -
I’m often asked the question:
My answer is yes, absolutely.
Certainly, there are significant differences to be found when comparing self hypnosis downloads or CDs to one on one therapy, but they are just that, differences.
What one individual considers a benefit may be seen as a drawback to the next person. It really comes down to each person’s natural makeup, which determines what works for them.
For instance, in the case of live one to one hypnotherapy, a session can be concentrated on a particular problem, which may be a priority to you at a given moment, especially if you’re easily hypnotized. With recorded self hypnosis sessions, you do not have the benefit of focalized subject matter. There is no doubt that for specific problems, particular deep rooted problems, live one to one hypnotherapy is the best option.
On the other hand, to someone else, successful hypnotherapy may be dependant on the need to hear the message repeatedly. The law of concentrated attention and the power of suggestion in hypnosis are proven and very real. In this case, a recorded self hypnosis session is really the best option. You have complete control over when and how often to hear the recording. With live hypnotherapy, you do not have the benefit of repeated play, or the convenience of selective timing.
There is nothing preventing you from trying combined therapy, wherein you see a hypnotherapist in person, and also benefit from self hypnosis recordings in your own time. There is no system to conform to; it’s really whatever works for each individual person. Each of us has to answer this for ourselves.
After several face to face hypnotherapy sessions, you may want to try a CD or a download, and see how it works for you. On the other hand, you may start with self hypnosis recordings, and after experiencing some degree of success, you may wish to have one or more face to face sessions.
From a cost standpoint, it’s certainly worth trying self hypnosis recordings first. It’s far more economical than face to face, and if successful, you can save a lot of time and money by directing your own therapy. I always give my clients one of my own self hypnosis CDs to use in between therapy sessions, so that they get the best of both worlds.
There is also the added advantage that by repeated listening of a recording you’ll have experienced the hypnotic state many times, which means you’ll no what to expect from hypnosis in general. Some people find it hard to enter a state of creative relaxation on the first few attempts. Since you’ll have experienced this many times from listening to a self hypnosis recording, it could save you both time and money should you wish to visit a hypnotherapist for live one to one sessions.
I’ve heard of a few hypnotherapists who question the effectiveness of self hypnosis recordings and I often get asked the question "do recorded hypnosis sessions actually work?" I say yes they do, without question. It’s like anything else; it may not work for everyone, but for those who are willing to listen regularly, it can be extremely successful. Hypnosis is about suggestion, the more you hear something, the more it penetrates. This is precisely why recorded self hypnosis sessions are so effective. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.
About the Author
Barrie St John is a leading figure in the field of hypnotherapy and personal change. He is the author behind the best selling self hypnosis CDs and downloads at
I’m often asked the question:
"Are self hypnosis recordings really as effective as hypnotherapy with a real live person?"
My answer is yes, absolutely.
Certainly, there are significant differences to be found when comparing self hypnosis downloads or CDs to one on one therapy, but they are just that, differences.
What one individual considers a benefit may be seen as a drawback to the next person. It really comes down to each person’s natural makeup, which determines what works for them.
For instance, in the case of live one to one hypnotherapy, a session can be concentrated on a particular problem, which may be a priority to you at a given moment, especially if you’re easily hypnotized. With recorded self hypnosis sessions, you do not have the benefit of focalized subject matter. There is no doubt that for specific problems, particular deep rooted problems, live one to one hypnotherapy is the best option.
On the other hand, to someone else, successful hypnotherapy may be dependant on the need to hear the message repeatedly. The law of concentrated attention and the power of suggestion in hypnosis are proven and very real. In this case, a recorded self hypnosis session is really the best option. You have complete control over when and how often to hear the recording. With live hypnotherapy, you do not have the benefit of repeated play, or the convenience of selective timing.
There is nothing preventing you from trying combined therapy, wherein you see a hypnotherapist in person, and also benefit from self hypnosis recordings in your own time. There is no system to conform to; it’s really whatever works for each individual person. Each of us has to answer this for ourselves.
After several face to face hypnotherapy sessions, you may want to try a CD or a download, and see how it works for you. On the other hand, you may start with self hypnosis recordings, and after experiencing some degree of success, you may wish to have one or more face to face sessions.
From a cost standpoint, it’s certainly worth trying self hypnosis recordings first. It’s far more economical than face to face, and if successful, you can save a lot of time and money by directing your own therapy. I always give my clients one of my own self hypnosis CDs to use in between therapy sessions, so that they get the best of both worlds.
There is also the added advantage that by repeated listening of a recording you’ll have experienced the hypnotic state many times, which means you’ll no what to expect from hypnosis in general. Some people find it hard to enter a state of creative relaxation on the first few attempts. Since you’ll have experienced this many times from listening to a self hypnosis recording, it could save you both time and money should you wish to visit a hypnotherapist for live one to one sessions.
I’ve heard of a few hypnotherapists who question the effectiveness of self hypnosis recordings and I often get asked the question "do recorded hypnosis sessions actually work?" I say yes they do, without question. It’s like anything else; it may not work for everyone, but for those who are willing to listen regularly, it can be extremely successful. Hypnosis is about suggestion, the more you hear something, the more it penetrates. This is precisely why recorded self hypnosis sessions are so effective. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.
About the Author
Barrie St John is a leading figure in the field of hypnotherapy and personal change. He is the author behind the best selling self hypnosis CDs and downloads at
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