Why would I say that all healing begins within? How can that be true?
Physically, healing is an automatic response to injury isn't it? If you cut your finger, the body immediately goes into healing mode and repairs the wound in a matter of days. It is something that comes from inside us. What about emotionally and spiritually?
Science has shown that we consciously perceive at most 10% of what is going on around us. 90% is filed in the subconscious where it influences our thoughts, emotions and actions in a way that we are unaware of. What if you tried to balance your checkbook on only 10% of the needed information? It would be a disaster. Yet most people are forced to live their lives on that same principle because they don't know how to tap into that hidden reservoir.
Science also believes that 80% of dis-ease is psycho-somatic. Which means it is something we bring upon ourselves.How is that possible? No one would knowingly cause themselves pain and sickness.
First you have to understand how the conscious and subconscious work. In a lot of ways we are like a computer. The subconscious is where the programing is stored, just like a hard drive. The things you perceive throughout your lifetime are stored there.
How do we perceive? With all five senses. Have you ever smelled an odor and it remained you of an event or person? Have you ever seen an incident occur and it brought about emotions in you that you could not explain? Have you ever tasted something that takes you back to a moment in your childhood? Or heard a song or touched something that puts you in a certain mood? Those are associated memories stored in your subconscious. For instance if you endured a traumatic event as a small child you might experience fears as an adult and not even understand why. Say you were in a car wreck. Your parents might believe you were too young to remember it. Consciously you might be, but the subconscious does remember. You might have a terror of driving as an adult as a result of the trauma you experienced. Sometimes these subconscious memories can be really positive and sometimes they can be really negative. Of course the ones that affect your life in a negative way are the ones that need to be dealt with.
The second thing to know is the subconscious does not understand the difference between real and imaginary. In one study performed on athletes, the brain was monitored while certain activities were performed. Then it was monitored while the athlete thought about the same activity. It was found that just THINKING about doing those activities produced the same results in the brain!! The brain literally did not know the difference between actually doing the action or just thinking about it. Are you beginning to see how powerful this can be?
The other thing to know about the subconscious is it wants to give us what we want and it thinks what we want is what we think, talk and feel emotions about. Pretty simple. We are actually wired to be able to achieve whatever our heart desires.
Now we understand a simplified version of how the subconscious works, but how does that explain psycho-somatic dis-ease?
Remember the subconscious brings about what you think, feel and envision. If you are constantly saying, "This job makes me sick to my stomach." Guess what? You just programed your stomach to get sick when you go to work. Depending on how much emotion you put into those words, you will eventually get sick to your stomach and not be able to go to work.
Your subconscious will bring about what you want (think, say and feel) and it doesn't know not to hurt you in the process because it is the program, not the body feeling the pain. The bad part is once you are in pain it is hard to not think about the pain, so you keep that vicious cycle going. You constantly think how miserable you are and your subconscious just keeps on giving you more misery. Every situation works the same way whether it is poverty, that feeling of lack, or self confidence or anything you can imagine.
How do you change this vicious cycle? You can do years of affirmations without results, unless you actually believe what you are saying, or you can have hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy accesses the subconscious and brings about changes in a very real way, very quickly.
Hypnotherapy is misunderstood by a lot of people. Some people think of hypnosis and immediately think of the stage hypnotist who makes people do silly things on the stage. Is there any danger you could be manipulated to do something you don't want to? NO.
Let's be clear. A hypnotist can not make anyone do anything they are morally opposed to. Think about it, all of the people on the stage are volunteers. They WANTED to be on stage and entertain the audience and that is what they do.
In a hypnotherapy session, a person WANTS to make positive changes to their lives. A good therapist is just the guide feeding the subconscious what the client wants and keeps the client safe at all times. The client is in charge.
To make true lasting changes in your life, you must go to the source. The programing. When the programing is corrected, the negative forcing functions are cleared up, and you can live a more self empowered life - the life you want to live.
Article by Vikki Haygood, an author, lecturer, hypnotherapist, needle-less accupuncturist, life/prosperity coach who believes that mind, body and spirt must be in balance for lasting healing to take place. Through personal experience, Vikki learned many years ago that healing must start from the inside, with the thoughts and emotions. The modalities she incorperates target the source of your problems and make positive changes.