That's why I'm keen to share this powerful information with you.
The most powerful way I've discovered for boosting creativity is self hypnosis - it's easy to do, safe and above all absolutely FREE!
Hypnosis is really nothing more than relaxing and going into a state of intense concentration - a strange kind of contradiction, but somehow it works.
We are actually moving into and out of such hypnotic states every day of our lives without realising it.
Just think back to the times when you've been totally engrossed in an activity - playing sport, writing a poem, painting a picture, watching a movie. Well, you've been hypnotising yourself!
I started using self-hypnosis a couple of years ago to reduce the stress and anxiety I was experiencing (and as a freelance artist and writer I know about that!).
After a while, I realised that the powerful benefits I was getting could be used on any part of my life - which included my creative career.
So what I did was produce my own scripts, which I recorded on a tape and played back to myself during my hypnosis sessions.
I also adapted them for silent reading and produced a list of affirmations which I use during the day to keep myself on track.
These affirmations reinforce the suggestions in the scripts to make sure they stay active.
I started getting results immediately. If you are an artist of any kind you will know how difficult the whole business can be sometimes - you can't concentrate, nothing seems to come out right, you're blocked, feel useless, waste your time making cups of coffee, etc, etc.
The results were startling - I felt much more at ease with my own creativity. I no longer worried about being able to come up with ideas. And when I was working, it all went much smoother than before.
In one year alone I produced more than 150 paintings and artworks (most of which I sold on Ebay) as well as writing a
poetry commission for a Writer's Tour and coming up with ideas for a number of ebooks.
Even if you don't consider yourself an artist of any kind - you can still benefit enormously from self-hypnosis.
So how does this work for you?
Go to any major hypnosis website and download a copy of induction script (and read up about hypnosis while you're there).
Adapt it for your own circumstances, adding in something like the following :
"Every day in every way I'm becoming more and more creative. From the moment that I wake, the ideas keep flowing into my mind. Making art is easy. It's easy to pick these ideas up and make them real. I do this all the time, that's why I'm a successful creative artist and people love my work. Every day I make more art and every day I sell more art. The more I produce the better I become, and day by day in every way I'm becoming more and creative."
Then record it all on tape and use it for your sessions. Adapt it, change, rewrite it - do whatever you need to make it right for you.
Throughout the day keep repeating the above script.
Repetition is the key.
By constant repetition, your subconscious will absorb these ideas and they'll take root there. They'll be bearing fruit very quickly!
To get the best from self-hypnosis you should be doing it first thing in the morning and last thing at night, then practising whenever you can during the day. Even short sessions of just a minute or two in a busy schedule will yield results!
I wish you luck with your endeavours. I'm off now to work on some more paintings!
Article by Michael Blackburn BA MA FRSA, an artist and writer living in the UK. He has had two books of poetry published and has sold hundreds of artworks around the world. He runs an arts website, Art Zero, and regularly auctions books and paintings on the net. http://www.artzero.org.uk/
Choose From Over 500 Hypnosis Scripts Guaranteed To Change Your Life!
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