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Control Your Thoughts and Create Your Life

by Nelson Berry

You know that YOU are the creator of all that occurs in all of your life experience, right?

You create your physical life experience through your thoughts. Literally, every thought that you think gives birth to a creation. EVERY thought has creative power.

The subconscious accepts whatever you pretend is real and will use it to create your outer reality.

The thoughts that you think, regarding those things that you want, set into motion the creation, and eventual fulfillment of that which you want. And likewise, the thoughts that you think, regarding those things that you do not want, set into motion the creation, and eventual fulfillment of that which you do NOT want.

Creative visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in your life. There is nothing at all new, strange or unusual about creative visualization. You are already using it every day, every minute in fact. It is your natural power of imagination, the basic creative energy of the universe which you use constantly, whether or not you are aware of it.

Spend time thinking of what you want rather than what you don't want and test it. Be careful of this, my friends, because if you envision something quite casually and do it with conviction, even though you may not be sure you want it, it will manifest.

This is neither magic, nor false hope. It is the reality of the power of your subconscious mind. This is why it is so important to develop self-awareness to the depths of your ability so that no creation can come about in your life without your having made the choice.

The world of images is the source of power in your physical world. Imagining what you want is like creating a model before you build the real thing. The images direct the energy in your body.

You have designed your life yourself. You have created nothing in your outer reality that is a stranger to you. There is comfort to be had by looking at your "outer circumstances" and realize that this is a perfect reflection of what you truly believe as a soul.

With each breath, with each pulsation of energy, you send out this essence of yourself, which mingles with other essences and creates and re-creates your physical environment. Feel yourself centered within and sending out waves of your energy. See it radiation outward from your physical being and into the environment, where it becomes an extension of yourself.
Realize that the objects you perceive "out there" are the materialization of your thoughts, formed by YOUR energy into symbols of the inner you, your essence, your soul.

You are the creator of everything in your life. Nothing happens that you have not called to you. The inner desire of the wise and conscious soul is to externalize, to create a tangible manifestation of what it internally holds to be true and thereby experience that belief. It is through that experience that the transformation occurs.

Your life is not your master, it is your child. Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request and everything your heart desires must come to you.

Emotions help you create reality. When you believe in something, love, desire, and want it, you can create it more quickly. If there is anything you want to become aware of, focus upon it. Whatever you turn your attention to, you will create.

Life is really very simple. What we give out, we get back. You create creation with the thoughts that you think.

Beliefs generate thoughts and emotions, which create your inner experience and outer reality. If any area of your life is not working, one of your beliefs in that area simply needs to be enhanced.

You CAN control your thoughts and create with deliberate intent.

Go get it!

Taking the Mystery out of Hypnosis

By Barrie St John -

Much of society’s resistance to hypnosis is based on false beliefs perpetuated by a fear of the unknown. I’ve compiled and addressed some of my favorite myths to help clarify exactly what hypnosis is, and more to point, what it is not.

Myth #1 - Hypnotists have some kind of special power:

Entertainment media plays a significant role in sensationalizing the word hypnosis. At the risk of demystifying the term, I submit that there is no trickery involved whatsoever. Skilled hypnotists operate from a basic understanding of humans and human experiences. The hypnotic state can be achieved alone, which refutes the point that hypnotists are somehow magical. It also suggests that anyone can induce hypnosis, either on themselves or on someone else. The real skill lies in how we use hypnosis to influence people.

Myth #2 – Only weak minded people can be hypnotized:

Interestingly, concentration is the basis for achieving hypnosis, and the ability to concentrate requires a strong intellect. The greater your ability to concentrate, the better a hypnotic subject you will be. Suggestibility is unrelated to intelligence, and our susceptibility to suggestion is not indicative of weakness or gullibility. The decision to accept a treatment or service that you feel will benefit you is a conscious, calculated decision, not an act of weak mindedness.

Myth #3 - Hypnosis can only work on certain people:

To this, I say, sure... if you really don’t want to be hypnotized, you can certainly impeach the process. Certain people will benefit more from hypnosis than others, because they are motivated to get more out of it. Your level of suggestibility cannot be altered, but your commitment and the degree of concentration that you invest can and will influence how much you get out of hypnotherapy. Hypnosis works for everyone. It’s the degree that varies, and this variable is entirely up to you.

Myth #4 – You will be able to recall everything that has ever happened to you:

If there is any benefit to you whatsoever in recalling certain specific times or events in your life, then a good hypnotist can help you do that. But typically, there is no real need to go back and remember the past. Hypnosis is a natural state of total relaxation. Regression is a different thing.

Myth #5 - You can be made to say or do something against your will:

Hypnosis is a natural state of complete relaxation, not a state of sleep. In this relaxed state, you become highly susceptible to suggestion, but you don’t become a different person. Achieving a state of heightened suggestion does not compromise your faculties, morals, ethics, or beliefs. Being hypnotized won’t lead you to say or do things against your will. If you’re asked to do something you don’t want to do, you will simply refuse.

Myth #6 – People who are hypnotized become dependent on the hypnotist:

Hypnosis when used as a form of therapy and carries no greater risk of dependency than any other form of therapy. While in hypnosis, you’re in full control of what happens to you. Hypnotherapy is a means of empowerment, achieved with the assistance of an outside entity. It’s not submissiveness, and it’s not a surrender of control. You have the ability to pull yourself out spontaneously, at any moment.

Myth #7 – Hypnosis is bad for your health:

The irony here is that the very essence of hypnosis is regularly recommended by physicians and psychotherapists. These trusted health professionals invariably advise us that we need to relax more, yet they seldom state how. When you are hypnotized, you are quite simply in a deep, natural state of relaxation.

Myth #8 – When in hypnosis you could get stuck and be unable to wake up:

Hypnosis is a natural state which we all reach from time to time on our own, without prompting of any kind. There is absolutely no danger of getting stuck in this state. It’s about as likely as getting stuck completely asleep, really. The worst that can possibly happen is that you drift off into deep sleep for a few minutes, because you are in that bridged state between awake and asleep.

Myth #9 - You’re asleep or unconscious when in hypnosis:

If people were asleep or unconscious when in hypnosis, they would not be able to report on what they were feeling. In fact, you are fully aware of what’s happening, and you are able to recall your state of hypnosis. Some describe it as feeling heavy, some light, others just very relaxed. Typically, the body will feel as though it’s gone to sleep, but the mind remains alert and receptive to the suggestion.

Myth #10 - Hypnosis is the devils work and is dangerous:

In the past I’ve heard some religious people refer to hypnosis as the ‘devils work’. Like anything else, hypnosis can be used for good or for bad, but it is left to us to find a trusted hypnotist. Hypnosis is a natural occurring state, widely used by respected health care professionals. There are lots of doctors who practice hypnotherapy. I doubt very much that they are in league with the devil.

As with other unknowns, we quite readily make assumptions or suppositions about things that we aren’t sure of, and usually when we explore more closely, we find the reality is in fact quite different than the impression we had formed.

I hope I’ve managed to dispel some of the untruths about hypnosis, as it would be shame to deny oneself the benefits of hypnotherapy because of unfounded doubt or false impressions.

About the Author
Barrie St John is a leading figure in the field of hypnotherapy and personal change. He is the author behind the best selling self hypnosis CDs and downloads at

Conversational Hypnosis - Unleash Your Natural Persuasive Powers

If you have seen Star Wars, you would have seen the power of conversational hypnosis in action many times in the famous movie franchise. And one particular scene in Episode 4 stood out whereby Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi spoke to some Storm Troopers and convince them that the three wanted fugitives beside him are not the people they are looking for. Wouldn't it be great to possess that kind of subtle power and influence over people in real life? Well, mastering this "Force" is now possible with Conversational Hypnosis.

"...the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."

Palpatine, Lord Sidius (Star Wars)

Similar to the Force, this is also a pathway to many abilities that will allow the user to formulate innocent sounding messages to influence the mind and thoughts of people around you. However unlike the Force which is only make belief in Star Wars, this is the actual real life demonstration of what is possible when modern science meets the art of persuasion. What this means is anybody who is willing to take the time and effort to learn it can now master this powerful art of communication.

So what is Conversational Hypnosis exactly and how can it help me?

Well, some experts like to call it "sleight of mouth" but the best way to describe Conversational Hypnosis is it is a form of subliminal hypnosis base on a series of suggestion techniques that was designed to be use in normal daily communication to direct, persuade and influence another person's beliefs, attitudes, and, ultimately, altering behaviors to submit unquestioningly to what you propose.

Founded by Doctor Milton Erickson, an American psychiatrist who had an enormous influence on the practice of both clinical hypnosis and the use of hypnosis in Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), he has applied conversational hypnosis in his therapy and have developed to a fine art the use of "vague language" to bring his clients to whatever realizations they needed in order to be able to help themselves.

Erickson maintained that our subconscious mind are always responsive and open to opportunities, changes and contradictions therefore, if we are able to observe and understand this behavior, we can learn to react and direct behavior in others with the right kinds of words and body language.

Some of the world's greatest leaders in the past and today use powerful conversational hypnosis techniques to influence millions of people with their words.

So if you are someone who is looking to gain leverage and improve your personal relationships with others, gain trust and credibility, become more persuasive in business and to take more charge of your success in life, the methods of Ericksonian hypnosis are likely one of the best tools you'll ever come across to take your life to new heights.

Now, it's up to you to use this knowledge and become more persuasive, charismatic and influential.

Learn conversational hypnosis and feel the "Force". As Yoda of Star Wars would say:

"An infinite mystery is the Force. Much to learn, there still is."

Explore The Power of Conversation Hypnosis Today!

The Importance of Intimacy: How to Make Your Marriage Last

A recent study revealed a few interesting new aspects about intimacy and marriage. A few of these developments have the potential to change the way marriage counselors - and involved spouses - think about marriages. Specifically, how to keep them strong and healthy!

This 13-year study began in 1981, when researcher Ted Huston began following 168 newly-wed couples. By the time the study ended in 1994, 56 of the couples had divorced. In the meantime, Huston learned a whole lot about intimate relationships, causes of conflict, and how to maintain a happy marriage. One of these findings is proving groundbreaking for marriage and family counselors.

Previously, family counselors had always believed that conflict - arguments, antagonism, and lack of respect for differences - was what eventually led to divorce. But Huston's research showed that loss of intimacy and affection was the factor most likely to send the relationship spiraling downwards toward divorce. While fighting and conflict usually preceded the split, conflict was the result of lack of intimacy, not the cause.

Huston was quoted as saying,
"This ought to change the way we think about the early roots of what goes wrong in marriage. The dominant approach has been to work with couples to resolve conflict, but it should focus on preserving the positive feelings."

The moral of the story? To protect and preserve your marriage, focus on maintaining intimacy and closeness with your partner. Here are a few steps you can take to maintain the feelings of closeness that marked your relationship as newly-weds:

  • Express your affection frequently, through hugs, kisses, cuddling, small gifts, and special favors.

  • Communicate effectively. Share your feelings, talk through issues in the relationship, and be honest (without being hurtful).
  • Keep your partner up-to-date on what's happening in all areas of your life – even the little stuff.
  • Be supportive and encouraging, so your spouse feels safe sharing his or her thoughts, feelings, and emotions, too.

  • Find a project or hobby to enjoy together.

  • Plan for your shared future, focusing on exciting and positive goals that you can work toward together.

Shared Couple's Trance, a hypnosis program developed by Dr. Michele Ritterman, is a fun and easy way to explore your relationship with your partner and build intimacy. Together, you can recreate positive feelings, while discovering your own sense of safety and closeness in the relationship.

To learn more about Dr. Ritterman's program, click here:

Hypnotize People Conversationally Without Them Even Realizing It

Have you ever wanted to hypnotize someone?

Most people are curious about this unnatural phenomenon. But did you know it's possible to hypnotize someone ... without them even knowing? This was long thought to be impossible, until Taylor Starr and a unique group of mental geniuses developed an amazing system called "Underground Hypnosis".

Underground hypnosis allows you instantly influence someone's mind upon meeting them. These are the type of powerful persuasive tactics that most people think impossible. Yet, this never before revealed knowledge has helped thousands of people achieve more sales, more happiness, and get what they want out of life. With Underground Hypnosis you'll learn extremely important persuasion techniques like NLP, Social Engineering, Alpha Control, and seduction hypnosis.

Would you like the chance to instantly become a mental powerhouse and beome a walking force to be reckoned with?

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Success with Self Hypnosis

By Barrie St John -

There are many benefits to using self hypnosis. It can be used to overcome fears, fight addictions such as smoking, improve confidence and self esteem, and improve sports performance, to name just a few. In fact self hypnosis can be used to improve just about anything you want to in your life.

For some people self hypnosis is extremely easy and requires very little effort. Some take to it like a duck to water, while other people may need to experiment a bit more to reap the wonderful benefits it can bring. This article intends to help you get the most out of self hypnosis.

Self hypnosis can involve a little bit of trial and error at the beginning until you start to identify the conditions that best suit you as an individual. Variables such as the ideal body position, or the most opportune time of day are truly yours to determine based on your particular situation, schedule, and individuality. It’s important to remember that there are no fixed rules that apply to everyone. Everyone is unique and it is left to you to identify what works and how you can most effectively reach that desired state.

There are, however, a few elements which will help increase your degree of success with self hypnosis, regardless of individual needs. Some of the points I will address or based on listening to a recorded self hypnosis download or CD. However, I’ll start with the issues which should be addressed regardless of whether you’re listening to a recording or not.

A fairly obvious requirement is total relaxation, which usually requires reduced distractions. So it is very important to try and find a quiet place that limits or completely obliterates outside sources and choose a time when you are certain you won’t be interrupted. Ensure that if you have people at home, tell them to not disturb you for however long you want, unless of course there is an emergency.

Knowing that hypnosis is in fact an altered state on consciousness, it bears noting that the early morning may not be the best time. You may find you’re extremely alert and hyper-sensitive to distractions at that time. Instead, pick a time of day when you’re slowing down, or typically starting to feel fatigued. For most people, self hypnosis is best in the evening time, preferably more bedtime.

The most useful bit of advice I can give to a beginner is try not to try too hard. Self hypnosis requires concentration, but being overly focuses on being hypnotized will impair the process. Part of the self hypnosis process is being able to just let go and let it happen to you. Rather than focusing on achieving hypnosis, focus on nothing, and let the message make its way clearly and seamlessly, effortlessly, whether it’s a recording or your own words.

Using a recording is a great for self hypnosis. One key factor in getting the most out of a recorded self hypnosis session is regular listening. Repetition is the key to successful suggestion and the more you subject your mind to the message, the more it will penetrate and impact.

Another important factor in getting the most out of a recorded self hypnosis session is to wear headphones. Not only are headphones great if you’re easily distracted, but they also promotes an intimacy between you and the voice on the recording, closing off outside noises, and facilitating a more direct route to your mind.

Like anything else, you will only get out of self hypnosis what you’re willing to put into it. If you’re determined to find ways to fight hypnosis and disprove its effectiveness, you’re unlikely succeed. This is essentially true of anything we do in life. But if you go into it with a clear open mind and you’re willing to invest the time to find your ideal hypnosis conditions, you can literally reap of benefits of self hypnosis on a fairly regular basis, even daily.

About the Author

Barrie St John is a leading figure in the field of hypnotherapy and personal change. He is the author behind the best selling self hypnosis CDs and downloads at

Use Hypnosis And Boost Your Creativity

Are you always on the lookout for new ways to boost your creative powers and improve your productivity? I know I am.

That's why I'm keen to share this powerful information with you.

The most powerful way I've discovered for boosting creativity is self hypnosis - it's easy to do, safe and above all absolutely FREE!

Hypnosis is really nothing more than relaxing and going into a state of intense concentration - a strange kind of contradiction, but somehow it works.

We are actually moving into and out of such hypnotic states every day of our lives without realising it.

Just think back to the times when you've been totally engrossed in an activity - playing sport, writing a poem, painting a picture, watching a movie. Well, you've been hypnotising yourself!

I started using self-hypnosis a couple of years ago to reduce the stress and anxiety I was experiencing (and as a freelance artist and writer I know about that!).

After a while, I realised that the powerful benefits I was getting could be used on any part of my life - which included my creative career.

So what I did was produce my own scripts, which I recorded on a tape and played back to myself during my hypnosis sessions.

I also adapted them for silent reading and produced a list of affirmations which I use during the day to keep myself on track.

These affirmations reinforce the suggestions in the scripts to make sure they stay active.

I started getting results immediately. If you are an artist of any kind you will know how difficult the whole business can be sometimes - you can't concentrate, nothing seems to come out right, you're blocked, feel useless, waste your time making cups of coffee, etc, etc.

The results were startling - I felt much more at ease with my own creativity. I no longer worried about being able to come up with ideas. And when I was working, it all went much smoother than before.

In one year alone I produced more than 150 paintings and artworks (most of which I sold on Ebay) as well as writing a
poetry commission for a Writer's Tour and coming up with ideas for a number of ebooks.

Even if you don't consider yourself an artist of any kind - you can still benefit enormously from self-hypnosis.

So how does this work for you?


Go to any major hypnosis website and download a copy of induction script (and read up about hypnosis while you're there).

Adapt it for your own circumstances, adding in something like the following :

"Every day in every way I'm becoming more and more creative. From the moment that I wake, the ideas keep flowing into my mind. Making art is easy. It's easy to pick these ideas up and make them real. I do this all the time, that's why I'm a successful creative artist and people love my work. Every day I make more art and every day I sell more art. The more I produce the better I become, and day by day in every way I'm becoming more and creative."

Then record it all on tape and use it for your sessions. Adapt it, change, rewrite it - do whatever you need to make it right for you.

Throughout the day keep repeating the above script.

Repetition is the key.

By constant repetition, your subconscious will absorb these ideas and they'll take root there. They'll be bearing fruit very quickly!

To get the best from self-hypnosis you should be doing it first thing in the morning and last thing at night, then practising whenever you can during the day. Even short sessions of just a minute or two in a busy schedule will yield results!

I wish you luck with your endeavours. I'm off now to work on some more paintings!

Article by Michael Blackburn BA MA FRSA, an artist and writer living in the UK. He has had two books of poetry published and has sold hundreds of artworks around the world. He runs an arts website, Art Zero, and regularly auctions books and paintings on the net.

Choose From Over 500 Hypnosis Scripts Guaranteed To Change Your Life!

Health Benefits For Women Who Stop Smoking

Stop smoking health benefits are usually similar for both men and women. There are some specific stop smoking health benefits which are aimed at men or women. Overall, stop smoking health benefits for both men and women are the reduced risks of cancer, heart disease, stroke and other conditions related to smoking. For both men and women, stop smoking health benefits also include an immediate decrease in the presence of carbon monoxide in the blood. This gas can affect the health of the smoker in so many ways that are potentially fatal since it robs the blood of its function to deliver oxygen to vital organs and other parts of the body. Benefits after quitting smoking will appear in as little as a few hours and can be seen as far as fifteen years in the future.

Women’s Benefits

The earlier women stop smoking, the earlier the benefits will come. Stop smoking health benefits for women are usually focused on reproductive health. Women who smoke after their thirties are prone to having earlier menopause compared to those who do not smoke at all. Other stop smoking health benefits for women include a decrease in painful periods, for appropriate ages. Quitting smoking before the age of thirty can also help women reduce the risk of having brittle bones in the future. Women who smoke after the age of thirty are more likely to have lower bone density than those who do not or those who have quit earlier. This means that smokers in their thirties will be prone to brittle bones in their later years and prone to fractures and bone injuries and damage.

Stop smoking health benefits for women can also include the reduced risk of having a low birth weight baby and giving birth too soon before the due date. Pregnant women who smoke or women who have just given birth and are smoking also run the risk of their child succumbing to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The reduced or removed risk of infertility is another stop smoking health benefit which a woman can enjoy especially if she wishes to have children in the future. Stop smoking health benefits which can affect a woman’s family are reduced or no exposure to second hand smoke which can be dangerous, especially for children.

There are so many different stop smoking health benefits for women and also for men that can actually alter a person’s life. Stop smoking health benefits are for the good of a person and their loved ones. Both the smoker and his or her friends and family are at the risk of diseases and conditions which can be fatal.

Related Help: Quit Smoking Now


Natural Ways To Quit Smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is a terrible habit and can pose serious health risks.

In an article on The Ellsworth Amercian, it states that:

There is conclusive evidence that smoking accounts for at least 30% of all cancer deaths of the lung, larynx (voice box), mouth, throat, bladder, esophagus, pancreas, cervix, kidney, stomach, and some leukemias. Smoking is also a major cause of heart disease, aneurysms, bronchitis, emphysema, and stroke, and it makes pneumonia and asthma worse. If you smoke long enough you are almost guaranteed to develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a progressive illness that permanently damages the lungs. COPD alone has accounted for over one million working-age people to become too sick to work and costs billions of dollars a year in medical bills and lost productivity. And if you are a man, there is yet another good reason to quit. In a recent study of 8,000+ men, researchers reported that smoking increased the likelihood of impotence by 27 percent and concluded it was “significantly associated with erectile dysfunction.” They also discovered that the more a man smoked, the more likely it was that he would suffer from erectile dysfunction.

The good news is there are many natural ways to quit smoking. Here are some of the natural methods that may help:

  • Going "cold turkey” where you just stop smoking abruptly while relying on just your willpower and self-determination.

  • Change your routine to avoid the times you usually light up. This might be when you’re waiting for the bus, out with friends, or relaxing after work. By finding other things to do at these times like keeping a straw or other cigarette substitute handy to keep your hands and mouth busy, you’ll make it easier to resist the urge to smoke.

  • Drink lots of water to help your body flush itself out quickly. Water effectively helps in flushing out of the toxins, which include nicotine from our body. The more the water consumption, the more is the elimination of toxins.

  • When cravings hit, close your eyes and count down from 10 to 0, very slowly. Breathe deeply with each count.

  • Call a friend when you feel like reaching for a smoke. Divert your attention.

  • Take a quick walk, even if it is just to the bathroom or mailbox. Alternatively, taking brisk walks at lunch time or walking up some stairs every time you want to have a cigarette will also help.

  • Regular exercise can beat the stress and help smokers reduce the urges to smoke. Research has shown that most smokers don’t crave cigarettes after exercise, and is a real winner for smokers struggling to quit.

  • If you have already made a determination to kick the butt, self hypnosis can help you reinforce this motivation and maintain your smoke-free lifestyle.

Hypnotherapist Marisa Peer who has worked in London and America for 20 years and has many celebrity clients offers her top tips for quitting with self hypnosis...

  1. The first and most important thing to do is stop associating smoking with pleasure. Instead, focus on something like formaldehyde or paint-stripper, and try to imagine this is what you are inhaling every time you smoke. If you see it as something that will cause you pain, rather than pleasure, you will be able to stop yourself picking up a cigarette.

  2. Next, focus hard on all the positive points about quitting. Think about how much healthier you’ll be, how much glossier your hair and nails will look. This will help you see giving up as something that will give you pleasure, and make it much easier to do.

  3. Repeat the above points to yourself to make sure you really learn them. Say them out loud every day, and put reminder notes in places you can see them. Think about making yourself a CD that repeats the positive points about quitting. The more you drum them into your mind, the less likely you are to fall off the wagon.

  4. When you quit smoking there is still a lot of nicotine in your system, which makes you crave it. Having a session in a steam room or sauna, and drinking lots of water and orange juice will help cleanse your system quickly, making cravings easier to bear.

  5. Although you may want to, try not to eat too much. While it may keep you occupied for a while, overdoing your food will get you into an “I don’t care” mentality that could soon have you reaching for the cigarettes. The weight you will gain from too much snacking is also likely to tempt you back into smoking, as many people see cigarettes as a tool for keeping the weight off.

This hypnosis download can help you quit smoking naturally - and stay stopped.

Persuasive Public Speaking

by Michael Lee

Want to enhance your persuasive public speaking skills? Perhaps you have already spoken before an audience, have given a great speech, have influenced them considerably to your point and have received a standing ovation a few times. Now you wish to improve that foundation you have in persuasive public speaking.

Here are three ways that can help you to become a more influential speaker.

One, body language. Majority of human communication is done nonverbally, and people commonly respond and understand it very well, having said that we primarily did not have formal education on nonverbal language. In order to effectively connect with your audience, mean what you're saying through nonverbal cues.

These include eye contact, hand gestures, pacing and the like to stress your words and statements. For instance, if you're trying to imply a very important point, you may point a finger up. If you're telling a story, pace a short distance citing you're bringing them to a certain point. You would be surprised what difference as an audience it would make if the speaker simply went through his speech purely verbal.

Two, study. Influence is your main concern when speaking before an audience so you have to know what you're talking about. You have to persuade them into considering the point that you're trying to make by citing facts, accepted truths and sources to show that your speech is actually based on something relevant.

Realize that there is no debate or an exchange between you and them so you have to be very mindful of every single aspect of your speech or they may find you stereotypical; or worse, they may see you contradicting your own statements. Do some research and be open about new ideas and opinions before speaking; this will further guide you how to be a more persuasive speaker.

Three, connection. Treat your audience, no matter how great or small in number, as your utmost concern. They are the reason you are speaking, so feel for them as if your message and efforts will be in vain if you cannot convince them to your point of view.

You have to create a link between you and your audience to successfully deliver your speech. This connection can be made through personal anecdotes, humor or even asking an audience to speak a little.

The goal is to be able to create feelings between you and your audience where they will know that it matters to you that they listen. This will be the basis for a smooth flow for the duration of the speech and probably the key to persuasion.

In a persuasive speech, you as the public speaker should know how to persuade and convince. The audience should be driven to a point of influence that your message will successfully be delivered and received. Repetition of ideas, facts and opinions will bring them to your point and positively boost your persuasive public speaking skills.

About the Author:

Michael Lee is the author of the highly-acclaimed How To Be An Expert Persuader... In 20 Days or Less. This power-packed course reveals mind-altering persuasion secrets to turbocharge your earnings, win lots of friends, captivate the opposite sex, and make anyone subconsciously like and trust you.

If you want to easily and quickly persuade anyone to eagerly do anything you want, go to

6 Steps To Help You Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

The fear of public speaking is not an uncommon one. It is the one social anxiety that most of us carry, and too few of use work to conquer. What if I told you that ridding yourself of that fear isn't as hard as you may think? The reality is that, at this very moment, you are only six steps away from conquering your own fear.

In this article I will give you those steps, thus allowing you to vanquish the problem for good! At the very least these tips will help you to reduce your anxiety and make that next public presentation something you can manage without falling over from fear.

The Truth about Public Speaking

The first step in overcoming your fear of public speaking is simply to understand the fear itself. It is a common problem, and for most people, the most common way to overcome this particular fear is simply to avoid public speaking altogether. Fear of public speaking usually stems from the idea that something bad will happen when we do it.

Here is the simple truth - nothing bad is going to happen! You aren't going to fall over dead from fear. There is not chance that your audience will die of boredom. And, in reality, any other issue you can come up with likely won't happen. Unless you're choosing to speak on controversial topics, there is isn't even much chance that you'll manage to evoke a huge emotional response from your audience.

Realizing that one fact is your first step in overcoming your fears; the next step is facing them.

6 Steps to Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

Now that you know the truth about public speaking it's time for the steps to conquer your own social anxiety. Really, these are 6 suggestions that can be used alone, or as a group, to work to beat the fear that cripples you.

  1. Focus on the Speech Itself

    What is it that you think that crowd came to see? You? Unless you're a high-profile figure they didn't come to see you specifically. They came to hear your speech. In other words, it isn't you that is being scrutinized. Focus on what they came to hear, and stop worrying about what they may think of you personally.

  2. Don't Over-prepare

    A common way to work towards failure is to over prepare. Many (new) public speakers will spend so much time preparing that they literally work themselves into a fear-frenzy before they even get up on stage. Write your speech, make your points, read it once or twice and then quit thinking about it!

  3. A Little Humor Goes a Long Way

    One simple way to put your audience, and in turn yourself, at ease is simply to use a little humor. In the face of an audience that is chuckling at your joke, you'll find it difficult to worry about what else they might be thinking.

  4. Engage Your Audience

    One common fear for the speaker is that they will bore their audience. A simple way to overcome this is simply to engage them right off the start. Open your speech with a question, and encourage them to shout out their answers. If no one answers right away, gently make fun of them to chide them into the discussion.

  5. Visualize and Affirm

    One simple way to overcome your fear beforehand is with simple visualizations and affirmations. Picture yourself giving that successful speech, affirm that picture with thought like "I will make a good speech" or "I will succeed". If you repeat this enough times, when the day does come you'll find it much harder to fail.

  6. Self Hypnosis

    Another great technique for overcoming fear of public speaking is self hypnosis. This technique can be used both to work to rid yourself of your speech anxieties, and also as a relaxation technique before your presentation.

Conquer your fear of speaking in front of a crowd of people with public speaking hypnosis and become a more confident and effective public speaker Today!

The world needs great communicators. Be fearless!

You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere." - Lee Iacocca

For more information on how self hypnosis can help you change your life, visit

Weight Loss With Self Hypnosis

Is it possible to lose weight effectively with the help of self hypnosis?

Let's start with a simple question - why do most weight loss programs fail? There are many people who have tried different diets, joined multiple workouts and yet have not been successful in losing their belly fat, even though they claim to eat less, follow fitness plans and do everything else associated with a good weight loss program. The weight just keeps coming back.

The truth about most diets, weight loss pills and workouts - you may be shocked - is that many of them does not provide for the overweight person what he or she really needs: to establish a different relationship with the food they are eating.

What that means is diets and exercise on its own will not make you thin, not as long as you keep eating pizzas, super-size burgers or binged on high calorie foods several times a week.

We know that eating is pleasurable and sometimes psychological . We know we should choose salad over burgers and yet our own subconscious mind undermines our efforts to be thin at every turn.

As a result, many of us who tried losing weight, continue to overeat and snack unnecessary and we wind up eating more than we need to, and we gain weight.

The solution to losing weight effectively? Rewire our subconscious mind with self hypnosis to change our unhealthy eating habits and lose those fats permanently.
"Hypnosis can actually help you lose weight."
- Harvard Medical School psychotherapist Jean Fain, Oprah Magazine

How Can Self Hypnosis Help In Losing Weight?

The tried and tested formula for losing weight effectively, successfully and permanently is all about developing healthy habits. And self hypnosis can help transforms those unhealthy eating habits by reinforcing our will power, inculcate a sense of discipline and strengthen our determination to make the right food choices and keep our cravings for fatty or high calorie foods at bay.

In fact, many celebrities use self hypnosis themselves and that is what helps them maintain those sexy body shapes even though they are virtually inundated with gourmet foods at every social event they attend. Most of them are self hypnotizing themselves to enable them to stay away from unhealthy foods, however much scrumptious they might look.

The power and benefits of self hypnosis has already been proven in several areas of human personality development, such as helping people overcome their anxiety disorders, helping people cope with addictions and quit smoking. Self hypnosis can also certainly help you to lose weight effectively and melt away the pounds - seemingly without effort.

Change your relationship with food today. Lose weight easily, naturally and permanently with weight loss hypnosis.

Can You Be Hypnotized?

By Barrie St John -

A person’s susceptibility to hypnosis is dependent on several factors. Whether these factors work together or oppose each other is entirely in the hands of the individual.

There are factors that are outside of anyone’s control. They come down to the individual makeup of each person. For instance, if someone is naturally susceptible to suggestion in their everyday life, they likely will carry along that susceptibility in the hypnosis process as well. Everyone is susceptible to some degree, but this is one of the variable that will contribute to a person’s likelihood of achieving hypnosis easily.

But there are varying degrees of depth of hypnosis, and hypnotherapy doesn’t require a deep state of hypnosis. It can be beneficial at varying levels of depth. The self hypnosis CDs and downloads that I have produced are designed to take someone from a completely awake state into some degree of hypnosis.

Susceptibility to suggestion is also impacted by repetition. The more you hear a message, the more likely you will be to able accept is as fact, to buy into it, whether consciously or not. This is also true in everyday life.

Some people take to hypnosis quite effortlessly, while others need a bit more practice. Their degree of susceptibility might be influenced by other conditions around them, and they may find they need just exactly the right circumstances to achieve hypnosis.

But the most important contributor to someone’s susceptibility to hypnosis is really their attitude. If someone tries it and has immediate success, that’s terrific. But if the first time you listen to a hypnosis CD and you do not achieve hypnosis, some people will stop at that and conclude that it doesn’t work. That’s unfortunate, because if people are willing to commit to listening to the recordings regularly, and to finding the ideal conditions for themselves, they will achieve some degree of hypnosis, which will benefit them.

Hypnosis is about suggestion, and there is a degree of suggestion to all forms of therapy. If there are any prerequisites to qualify someone as a candidate for hypnosis, it’s attitude first and foremost. Sure other intellectual variances may factor in, like concentration and imagination, but they would likely affect the level of hypnosis, rather than the ability to achieve it in the first place.

About the Author

Barrie St John is a leading figure in the field of hypnotherapy and personal change. He is the author behind the best selling self hypnosis CDs and downloads at

Strong Relationships are Good for Your Health

You know that maintaining intimacy is important for your relationship with your partner. But did you know that it's also good for your health?

Psychologists and researchers have discovered a number of benefits for people who experience intimacy in their committed relationships. In fact, closeness in relationships has been found to influence social, emotional, and physical health.

People in intimate relationships...

  • Are better at successful navigating various developmental stages.

  • Are more likely to maintain solid, lasting friendships.

  • Are less likely to be in car accidents.

  • Are more resistant to diseases and mental illness.

On the other hand, individuals involved in committed relationships that lack intimacy and closeness are more vulnerable to a whole handful of ailments: stress, depression, psychosomatic disorders, and mental illness in general.

If you're in a committed relationship, take the opportunity to work on intimacy with your partner today. Small gestures can go a long way toward creating a closer relationship. Not only will you be investing in the strength of your future relationship, you'll be protecting your future health and happiness.

Shared Couple's Trance, a hypnosis program developed by Dr. Michele Ritterman, is a fun and easy way to explore your relationship with your partner and build intimacy. Together, you can recreate positive feelings, while discovering your own sense of safety and closeness in the relationship.

The CD contains two hypnosis sessions designed to be listened to as a couple. Simply relax together, and enjoy the rejuvenating effects of appreciating each other, reducing damaging patterns, and letting go of unnecessary baggage.

Read what other therapists and couples say about the program:
In Shared Couple's Trance, Michele Ritterman eloquently helps couples develop their skills in relationships. She guides partners to discover ways to build intimacy and closeness, and also to develop as separate and unique individuals within the relationship. Michele is creative and poetic in her use of language. She presents us with metaphors and stories that are fascinating, engaging and powerful. This CD is masterful and it has my highest recommendation.

- Rita M. Sherr, L.C.S.W., B.C.D. Director of Education and Training, The New York Milton H. Erickson Society for Psychotherapy and Hypnosis

Michelle helped us to strengthen our relationship to become a nurturing and protective sanctuary in the face of adversity. She helped us to become even closer and more supportive of each other, and to this day I remember her words of wisdom and compassion.

- Wes and Linda Robinson, Couple

To learn more about Dr. Ritterman's program, click here:

Overcome And Cure Extreme Shyness

Shyness is a natural part of growing up. In fact, almost everyone suffered from shyness and social anxiety at some point in their lives. However if your extreme shyness is making you to be afraid to speak whenever you are in a room full of people or have a problem talking whenever you are out on a date, you probably wished for a way to beat and overcome your shyness.

Shyness can be crippling but there are tried and tested ways to make it a thing of the past. To overcome this social anxiety problem, here are some tips you can use to help you increase confidence, stop blushing and beat shyness right now.

Make A List

First, write down a list of the qualities that you think is causing you to be shy. Is it a physical or emotional issue? Next, write down a positive statement or strategy against each negative qualities of what you want to change in yourself that will help you beat shyness.

Once you have uncover the reasons and methods to overcome shyness, tell yourself that you have what it takes to help you beat shyness. Deal with each issue one at a time and very soon, you will be able to cure your shyness.

Talk to Someone New Everyday

One of the most effective way to beat shyness is by striking a conversation with someone new everyday. The next time you go get your cup of coffee or grocery, try asking "Hi, how is your day?" to the person assisting you.

When you speak to someone new, you help decrease the uncomfortable period between you and that person. Slowly, you will enjoy your little conversation success and find yourself really comfortable speaking to strangers.

Asking Questions

Ask people questions can be a great ice-breaker to get a person talking or a conversation going. Ask people open questions that require more than just a 'yes'/'no'. Use phrases like "Tell me more", or "I would like to know more" to keep the conversation going. Many people like to talk about themselves and will even find you interesting if you show that you show an interest in what they have to say.

By asking questions, you turn the attention away from yourself and you won't be so self conscious about what you have to say or how you look. This will help you to overcome overcome social anxiety, relax socially and beat shyness.

Overcoming extreme shyness will take time and will not happen overnight. However, if you truly desire to beat shyness, start by making small positive changes... and soon you will be able to beat and overcome your extreme shyness to interact easily and naturally with the people around you.

You May Also Be Interested In:

7 Tips To Help Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking.

Biggest Loser Winner Reveals Weight Loss Secret in New Magazine Article

If you picked up the June 8th, 2009 issue of Life & Style Magazine you might have missed the four page spread beginning on page 46 - revealing that Matt Hoover (Season 2 Winner of NBC's ''The Biggest Loser) gained back most of the weight he lost on the show!

As many might have guessed, without the isolation, the cooks, and the drill sergeant personal trainers, he couldn't keep up the strict regimen.

"When I got home, I quickly realized I wasn't equipped to deal with the temptations of the real world."

That was until January of this year, when Matt discovered a new tool that has allowed him to drop 2.39 pounds of fat per week.

This tool allows him to near-effortlessly shed weight without feeling deprived, popping pills, or resorting to boring and expensive meal plans.

More importantly, these are pounds he is going to keep off forever - because this tool has changed the way Matt feels about life and food.

"I'm back down to the size I was when I left Biggest Loser ranch'' he says, ''But back then, I wasn't healthy I was hurting."*(Life & Style, June 8, 2009 pg. 48.)

Matt's secret is a 4 CD Hypnosis Program created by Dr. Roberta Temes, who is on the Department of Psychiatry at the SUNY Health Science Center Medical School and the editor of the first hypnosis textbook used by thousands worldwide in medical schools.

A meta-analysis published in The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (1996) reveals that hypnosis with a credible psychologist, "can increase weight loss by an astonishing 146% over the long term."

Matt's story certainly confirms this:

" I was a fat person in a skinny body until I took the time to get honest with myself after regaining the weight? I was emotionally eating."

"There are days when I feel kind of down or worried, and I turn on my headset and listen to the CDs instead of going out and eating a bunch of food." *(Life & Style, June 8, 2009 pgs. 47-48.)

Published by The Hypnosis Network, the CDs Matt used underwent independent testing by The National Health & Wellness Club and revealed an astonishing 92% satisfaction rating among its randomly selected members.

A company spokesman for The Hypnosis Network is quoted as saying, "We're obviously excited that Matt chose our hypnosis program and has seen such tremendous results. We hope it will help show millions of Americans that even after people see great success, they can still get help from the proven benefits of hypnosis."

To celebrate the amazing success that Matt Hoover is seeing, The Hypnosis Network has now implemented a "10,000 Success Stories" campaign.

In order to quickly attain 10,000 success stories, the company is giving anyone who wants to put the power of hypnosis to the test the ability to try it first before paying upfront.

Quantities are limited and interested participants are encouraged to act promptly, as media coverage continues to increase daily.

Participate Now to take advantage of this limited-time free trial HERE!!

Improve Your Self Confidence In 15 Miutes

I used to be frighteningly under confident in social situations. And although people who know me now would never believe I used to doubt myself so much I literally had to learn confidence until it became a natural part of me. I can tell you relaxed optimistic confidence is just, well so much more fun.

Here I'll tell you about the things that made the most difference to my confidence levels...

Some people have naturally high levels of confidence but everybody can learn to be more confident

Firstly, it's important to get a clear idea of what self confidence really means, otherwise you won't know when you've got it! So, self confidence means:

1) Being calm. For every situation in life you need to run on the appropriate level of emotion. Too much emotional 'leakage' into a experience can spoil the experience. You make great strides towards confidence when you begin to relax in a greater range of situations.

2) Being cool. The second part of self confidence is about being able to relax with uncertainty. To be 'cool' in a situation really means relaxing with not knowing how things will pan out. If you truly tolerate uncertainty, you can do pretty much anything.

3) Not being too concerned with what others think of you. You know when you imagine what some place is going to be like before you go there but when you get there it is totally different to your imagination? That's how reliable your imagination is! Stop trusting your imagination so much. I've long since stopped bothering to imagine what others think of me because so often I've turned out to be wrong.

4) Being specific - where do you want confidence? 'Confidence' is meaningless until you tie it to something specific. You are already confident that you can read these words or can switch a light on and off. So you don't need more confidence everywhere. To get what you want in life you have to establish exactly what you do want. Where do you want confidence in your life? Think about the specific situations now and write them down. You beginning to steer your brain towards confidence.

5) Understanding that what you expect is what you get. Your brain is an organ that needs clear goals to work towards. When a task has been set in your brain it will do everything it can do to bring about the completion of that task. If you've tried to recall someone's name but can't, hours later you'll often find their name pops into your head.

The 'trying to recall' experience set the task or blueprint for your brain's future subconscious behaviour which eventually produced the name for you - when you weren't thinking about it consciously. You can use this natural mechanism to start feeling more confident. But, to ensure you set the right task for your subconscious mind, the next point is vital.

6) Don't task your mind with negatives. Instead of: 'I don't want to screw up' (which sets the task of 'screwing up' for your brain), set the blueprint for what you do want! Your brain doesn't work towards what to do by being told what not to do. And nature has given you a wonderful natural tool to set the right task blueprints with.

7) Use nature's goal-setter: Now you understand how vital it is to set the right task for you brain, you need to know how to do this reliably. Good hypnosis will strongly 'program' the right blueprint in your mind through the use of your imagination. If you powerfully imagine feeling confident and relaxed while in a relaxed hypnotic state it will be hard for your unconscious mind to do anything else. The blueprint for relaxation has been set firmly into your subconscious mind.

3 Simple Strategies to Get You Feeling Confident Quickly:

1) Think specifically of the time/place/situation you want to feel confident in. Remember 'confidence' doesn't mean anything until you attach it to something specific.

2) Focus on words in your mind right now that describe how you do want to be in that time and place. Maybe words such as 'calm', 'relaxed' or 'focused'. Remember your brain works on clear positive instructions.

3) Close your eyes for as long as you like and think about how those words feel. Then, imagine the situation itself and rehearse it in your mind feeling confident and relaxed. This way you set the right blueprint or 'task' for your unconscious mind.

You can repeat this often to make it more effective and use it with as many areas of your life as you need to. If you listen to a hypnotic cd or download that can make the benefits even more powerful (see my profile below). So if you feel like you'd be blessed with less confidence than some other people you can start redressing the balance by using your mind in the right way right now.

It took me years to learn how to be more confident - now you can do it in a fraction of the time. Good luck!

Boost your confidence now!

Guest article by Mark Tyrrell

All Healing Begins Within

Why would I say that all healing begins within? How can that be true?

Physically, healing is an automatic response to injury isn't it? If you cut your finger, the body immediately goes into healing mode and repairs the wound in a matter of days. It is something that comes from inside us. What about emotionally and spiritually?

Science has shown that we consciously perceive at most 10% of what is going on around us. 90% is filed in the subconscious where it influences our thoughts, emotions and actions in a way that we are unaware of. What if you tried to balance your checkbook on only 10% of the needed information? It would be a disaster. Yet most people are forced to live their lives on that same principle because they don't know how to tap into that hidden reservoir.

Science also believes that 80% of dis-ease is psycho-somatic. Which means it is something we bring upon ourselves.

How is that possible? No one would knowingly cause themselves pain and sickness.

First you have to understand how the conscious and subconscious work. In a lot of ways we are like a computer. The subconscious is where the programing is stored, just like a hard drive. The things you perceive throughout your lifetime are stored there.

How do we perceive? With all five senses. Have you ever smelled an odor and it remained you of an event or person? Have you ever seen an incident occur and it brought about emotions in you that you could not explain? Have you ever tasted something that takes you back to a moment in your childhood? Or heard a song or touched something that puts you in a certain mood? Those are associated memories stored in your subconscious. For instance if you endured a traumatic event as a small child you might experience fears as an adult and not even understand why. Say you were in a car wreck. Your parents might believe you were too young to remember it. Consciously you might be, but the subconscious does remember. You might have a terror of driving as an adult as a result of the trauma you experienced. Sometimes these subconscious memories can be really positive and sometimes they can be really negative. Of course the ones that affect your life in a negative way are the ones that need to be dealt with.

The second thing to know is the subconscious does not understand the difference between real and imaginary. In one study performed on athletes, the brain was monitored while certain activities were performed. Then it was monitored while the athlete thought about the same activity. It was found that just THINKING about doing those activities produced the same results in the brain!! The brain literally did not know the difference between actually doing the action or just thinking about it. Are you beginning to see how powerful this can be?

The other thing to know about the subconscious is it wants to give us what we want and it thinks what we want is what we think, talk and feel emotions about. Pretty simple. We are actually wired to be able to achieve whatever our heart desires.

Now we understand a simplified version of how the subconscious works, but how does that explain psycho-somatic dis-ease?

Remember the subconscious brings about what you think, feel and envision. If you are constantly saying, "This job makes me sick to my stomach." Guess what? You just programed your stomach to get sick when you go to work. Depending on how much emotion you put into those words, you will eventually get sick to your stomach and not be able to go to work.

Your subconscious will bring about what you want (think, say and feel) and it doesn't know not to hurt you in the process because it is the program, not the body feeling the pain. The bad part is once you are in pain it is hard to not think about the pain, so you keep that vicious cycle going. You constantly think how miserable you are and your subconscious just keeps on giving you more misery. Every situation works the same way whether it is poverty, that feeling of lack, or self confidence or anything you can imagine.

How do you change this vicious cycle? You can do years of affirmations without results, unless you actually believe what you are saying, or you can have hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy accesses the subconscious and brings about changes in a very real way, very quickly.

Hypnotherapy is misunderstood by a lot of people. Some people think of hypnosis and immediately think of the stage hypnotist who makes people do silly things on the stage. Is there any danger you could be manipulated to do something you don't want to? NO.

Let's be clear. A hypnotist can not make anyone do anything they are morally opposed to. Think about it, all of the people on the stage are volunteers. They WANTED to be on stage and entertain the audience and that is what they do.

In a hypnotherapy session, a person WANTS to make positive changes to their lives. A good therapist is just the guide feeding the subconscious what the client wants and keeps the client safe at all times. The client is in charge.

To make true lasting changes in your life, you must go to the source. The programing. When the programing is corrected, the negative forcing functions are cleared up, and you can live a more self empowered life - the life you want to live.

Article by Vikki Haygood, an author, lecturer, hypnotherapist, needle-less accupuncturist, life/prosperity coach who believes that mind, body and spirt must be in balance for lasting healing to take place. Through personal experience, Vikki learned many years ago that healing must start from the inside, with the thoughts and emotions. The modalities she incorperates target the source of your problems and make positive changes.

What is Stress Management Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is being looked upon as a multipurpose therapy nowadays. Methods like stress management hypnosis, addiction management hypnosis, behavior modification hypnosis, etc. do not even begin to scratch the surface of the vast uses that hypnosis has today. In stress management hypnosis in particular, hypnosis is used as a suggestion tool to help the subconscious mind of the person realize that their stressful behavior is irrational.

How does Stress Management Hypnosis work?

There are three particular ways in which stress management hypnosis works.

First, it suggests the mind that the stress is unjustified and that the body needs to come out of it. It can greatly relax the body and reduce the tension present in it. This can act very effectively in providing the person with relief from the stressful situation.

Second, it prevents the person from reacting in a negative manner to the stressful condition. Some people tend to smoke or consume alcohol when they are distressed and some people might go on an eating binge. All these are unhealthy responses which can bring more problems in the long run. Hypnosis therapy can help keep such responses away.

Third, it can help improve the overall quality of the person's life and create a positive outlook in them. This helps in long term treatment of the stress problem. When people are suggested to keep a positive mindset, they will automatically come out of their habit of being unduly stressed in certain situations.

What are the Benefits of Stress Management Hypnosis?

In this manner, hypnosis for stress management does not merely act for a particular situation or for a particular episode, but has a vast range of benefits. The fact that hypnosis is a multipurpose therapy works to great effect here. It can help the person deal with various related problems and thus bring an overall enrichment in their life. This is one of the reasons why stress management hypnosis has become so popular in today's times.

These hypnosis downloads will help you manage stress more elegantly and effectively, and protect you from its unpleasant effects.

Hypnosis is a Natural Medication for Stress and Anxiety

With the growing concerns of the economy, and more people being laid off, more people are feeling stress and anxiety in their lives. While it might be easy to take anti-anxiety medications, sleeping pills, or antidepressants to help deal, there is also a pill-free way to cope - and it won’t lead to addiction. We’re talking about clinical hypnosis.

Clinical hypnosis has been shown to significantly lower stress and anxiety in as few as 1-4 sessions-even in people who suffer from traumatic stress. So, what is it and how does it help with stress and anxiety?

The American Medical Association approves hypnosis when used by a professional. Clinical hypnosis is either conducted live or can be found in prerecorded sessions on CD. (The best CDs are those recorded by experts in their field who use hypnosis, not by one person who uses hypnosis and records dozens of CDs.) Whether you visit a therapist or use a CD, either way, you’ll be asked to get comfortable, close your eyes, and simply focusing on the suggestions that follow. These directives promote positive change through visualizations, metaphors, and direct and indirect suggestions.

No one knows the exactly how hypnosis works so effectively, just that it often does. Nevertheless, we do know that when recipients are relaxed and focused during a hypnotic trance, their self-protective walls come down. In other words, their usual conscious resistance to change is lowered and they become more accepting and embracing of suggestions to change and improve. The changes that follow these suggestions are often quick and powerful.

From what we know, here are some specific reasons why hypnosis is powerful and effective for reducing stress and anxiety:

1) The Experience of Hypnosis Naturally Generates a Distinct State of Calm and Relaxation:

The experience of hypnosis often comes in a form of strong relaxation that naturally allows a person to move away from stresses and worries. This state is referred to as a “trance,” or “dissociation.”

All of these hypnotic reactions combine to help the subject “dissociate,” or disconnect from being oriented to their current physical, emotional, and psychological states and surroundings. This dissociation naturally distances subjects away from usual stresses and anxieties, serving as a welcome escape and diversion at the time. At best, dissociation acts to train subjects to let go of and move on from usual pressures and worries after the hypnosis.

2) Direct and Indirect Suggestions Bypass Resistance and Promote Calm, Peace, and Ease:

Modern hypnosis, often referred to as “Ericksonian hypnosis” after the hypnosis pioneer “Milton Erickson,” consists of different types of suggestions to bypass conscious resistance and be more likely to be accepted. In the relaxed, focused state of hypnotic trance, a person is more receptive to accept suggestions to change. Mixing up direct suggestions (i.e., "you will now relax...") versus indirect and more permissive suggestions (i.e., "you may choose to relax... or not... but if you do...") in a relaxed state promotes strong, natural calming and easing. A person in such a state has their usual conscious resistances and defensive walls lowered. Indirect/permissive suggestions to change tend to bypass resistance that much more because they are harder to resist or be threatened by.

Suggestions to ease stress and anxiety are generally a part of most hypnosis sessions, whatever their main focus may be: weight loss, smoking cessation, phobias, etc. However, when the primary focus of a hypnosis session is primarily for the easing of stress and anxiety, it is a natural fit. The entire session becomes interlaced with calming, easing suggestions and often results in a strong, powerful experience of peace and bliss. After such sessions, clients often say things like, "Can I just sit here and relax for a while longer...", or "Wow-where am I..."? Hypnosis sessions entirely focused on suggestions to ease stress and anxiety are a natural fit, making it perhaps the easiest if not most effective use of hypnosis in general.

3) Visualizations and Imagery Take You Away from Your Cares and Concerns:

Many hypnosis sessions include different suggestions to visualize and image different relaxing scenes in the mind. There are many possible purposes for such scenes, including simply deepening the trance state, elevating dissociation from the outside world, or simply increasing relaxation in general by helping the subject to "get away" or "escape" from their usual thoughts, cares, and concerns. This visualization is especially powerful when utilizing imagery a subject is familiar with and can easily imagine in a personal manner with all of the senses-sights, sounds, smells, taste, and touch.

When a person is stressed and under pressure, visualizing a powerful imagery experience shifts the focus, relaxes the body, and eases tension. Furthermore, when a person is anxious and worried, escaping to a relaxing scene is powerful, reassuring, and can serve as a reality check that the concern may be overblown. This shift takes the subject from an anxious "what if" position to a relaxing "what is something more enjoyable I can think about?" Since most anxiety overestimates risk and underestimates one’s resources to battle a threat, a reassuring visual escape may work to even out the discrepancy.

4) Memories and Age Progression Helps You Rewrite the Story of Your Life for a Calmer, More Reassuring Reality:

When relaxed and focused, bringing back memories or imagining the future becomes easier to do in a powerful, effective manner. Outside distractions, focuses, and interruptions are lowered in such a state, making such mental exercises easier to execute. Current research supports what psychotherapists have known for many years: that rewriting the “reality” of one’s past or future projections in a more positivistic, useful manner can effectively calm, reassure, and ease cares and concerns.

For purposes of easing stress, hypnosis can help change the meaning of these memories or future projections by changing the meaning these difficulties actually pose. For example, a hypnotic memory of a highly relaxing scene is often remembered as even more relaxing that when the memory actually happened for the subject, such as a beach trip. Furthermore, visualizing a more positive version of a future possibility during hypnosis can ease the anxiety of assuming the worst. Instead of assuming a negative "what if" (i.e., failing at a business venture), a scene of "what’s possible" in a positive way (i.e., succeeding at the venture) both eases current anxiety and increases the probability of the positive result actually occurring. This is known as a “positive self-fulfilling prophesy."

5) Post-Hypnotic Suggestions Help You Relax and Ease Worries Afterward:

Throughout hypnosis and especially at the end, it is common for hypnosis sessions to include a number of "post-hypnotic suggestions." Post-hypnotic suggestions, as their name infers, serve to promote positive changes in thinking, feeling, and/or behaviors after the hypnosis session in an oftentimes powerful, effective manner.

Post hypnotic suggestions during hypnosis are usually accepted in a receptive manner when done in a clear, connective manner. A stress relief suggestion may state something like, "Later, when you encounter economic challenges, you’ll be able to calm and relax yourself, just like you’ve done throughout this exercise, and you can know this is a skill and ability you possess to use as needed." An example for anxiety relief would be, "Later, when you are thinking of the financial possibilities for your future, you will see and generate the best you that you are capable of and more." After the hypnosis, the subject may or may not recall these suggestions, but they will often notice the changes in perception, sensation, and behavior over time. Although hypnosis is not "magic", the results of post-hypnotic suggestions may often seem like it.

For those who would like to lessen their stress and anxiety, hypnosis is a viable natural option combining effectiveness, efficiency, and convenience. Simply relax, focus, and enjoy your way towards a more peaceful, relaxing lifestyle.

Learn more:

Guest article contributed by Randy A. Gilchrist, Psy.D.

Hypnosis - 7 Myths And Misconceptions

There are many myths and misconceptions out there about hypnosis. Hollywood portrays hypnosis in a way that is far different from reality. This feeds into the many misconceptions that are still present today.

The 7 most common hypnosis myths & misconceptions are:

  1. Not Everyone Can Be Hypnotized

    We go into hypnosis many times throughout our day, like when we are daydreaming, driving on the highway, or watching a movie. Hypnosis is simply a natural focused state of awareness. So the truth is that everyone can be hypnotized.

  2. You Are Asleep During Hypnosis

    Even though the origin of the word hypnosis is derived from the Greek word "hypnos" which means sleep, you are awake and aware during hypnosis. In hypnosis, your conscious mind may drift, but you are not asleep. You typically remember much of what was said in a hypnosis session.

  3. Hypnosis Makes You Lose Control

    The opposite is true, you actually gain control. Hypnosis is a focused state of awareness that allows you to control habits and change behaviors. The Hypnotist cannot make you do anything that you do not want to do.

  4. You Can Get Stuck In Hypnosis

    We naturally go into hypnosis many times in our life, and we naturally come out of it. You cannot get stuck in hypnosis.

  5. You Will Tell All Your Secrets In Hypnosis

    You will not tell any secrets that you would not reveal while you were wide awake. Hypnosis is not a truth serum and you can actually lie under hypnosis.

  6. Hypnosis Is Dangerous

    Hypnosis is safe and natural. In fact, in 1958 a report published by an AMA advisory committee on hypnosis stated, "The use of hypnosis has a recognized place in the medical armamentarium that is a useful technique in the treatment of certain illnesses..." .

  7. Hypnosis Is Only For The Weak-Minded

    Hypnosis is for anyone who wants to use the natural power of their subconscious mind to make positive changes in their life.

Article by Darren Hiller, a Board Certified Hypnotist & EFT Practitioner with a private practice in Dallas, Texas.

Related Resources:

7 Hypnosis Myths Busted