If you are wondering why would anyone want or should learn to preform self hypnosis to help themselves since there are already thousands of methods that a person can turn to, to improve themselves. Well, the answer lies within our powerful subconscious mind.
In a 1981 article "The phenomena and Characteristics of Self Hypnosis", Dr Erika Fromm discovered that our brain is more receptive to self suggestions, rather than receiving them from another person, because these self suggestions are more readily accepted by our ego. Therefore, if you have something you desire to change or accomplish such as losing weight, overcoming a fear or to quit a 20 year smoking habit, believe it or not, self hypnotherapy can help you deal with all of these problems quickly and easily. By positively aligning your thoughts with your area of enhancement, self hypnosis will help you create a definite focus for your mind to maximize your creative potential to accomplish whatever you desire from life.
7 Simple Steps To Perform Self Hypnosis
- First, decide what you wish to accomplish with self hypnosis. For example, you may plan to give yourself auto-suggestions that will increase your self confidence for an upcoming presentation or interview. Create one or two positive sentences and making sure to frame them in the present tense: "I am gracious, charismatic and confident of my success" might be one possibility.
- Next, choose a quiet, private place to perform your self hypnosis. Plan at least half an hour without interruption.
- Sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Tell yourself to relax completely. One way to assist the process of full relaxation is to tighten your muscles, hold for about four seconds, and then relax them fully. Relax each part of your body, beginning with your face, your neck, your shoulders down to your legs.
- Now imagine yourself walking down a flight of ten stairs leading downwards to a door, and counting silently to yourself as you imagine going down the staircase step by step. Once you reach the bottom of the staircase, open the door you see there.
- As you step into the room, tell yourself that you will find whatever you need in that room. Begin your self suggestions at this point. You may simply picture yourself doing, or being, or experiencing, whatever is your goal for this session.
- Continue to breathe deeply and evenly as you repeat these suggestions. You may even wish to say them out loud a couple of times.
- When you feel ready, imagine yourself going back through the door. As you climb the staircase, count backward from Ten to One. On One, you will open your eyes slowly. You control your mind during this process, and your constant self-affirmations have a powerful effect for change on your subconscious mind.
Can I Really Change Myself through Self Hypnosis?
You certainly can. You can undo bad habits, like smoking or overeating. You can give yourself permission to be happier, more self-confident, less shy and more outgoing - just by using the right message.
To achieve real change, it's necessary to change the subconscious; and the best way to develop influence over the subconscious mind is through the skills of self hypnosis.
Do you know the world's top athletes and movie stars like Tiger Woods, Lee Evans, John Travolta and Oprah use self hypnosis to help themselves overcome their failures and achieve their true potential.
If you are truly ready to live better, use professional self hypnosis downloads to help you improve yourself, increase your motivation, and make dramatically positive changes in your life.
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